Anime LJ TCG log

Oct 07, 2008 14:14



20 Cards from the new decks
Prim 16 for Esper 07 with skittlestemple
July 1st Set up trade of Pieces 03, Man 13, Cleaver 19, Carve 11, Finance 11, and Formal 18 for Esper 01 and 02
July 3rd Given ESPer 14 by playingmyrole
July 3rd Gave playingmyrole XP06
July 3rd Got Cool 11, Call 14, Chariot 01, Cold 10 from GY
July 5th- Won BBS got a Bronze cert, Onigiri 01, Ronin 16, Idol 03
July 6th- From GY got Twins03, Nun 02, Novel 17, Brave 10
July 6th- Got Cower17, Obect18, and Peace 01 for uessing the game
July 7th- Offered Peace 1 to death_the_kid for Esper 04
Julty 7th- Traded bronze cert for ESPer 19
July 7th- Traded Peace 01 for Esper 4 , Also got 3 bronze one from a give away, one from guesing kilik's birthday, and one for Tasuki's eyes. The random cards are got where Rose 02, Velvet 14, Plumb 08, Sir 17, Light 09, and Onigiri 07... Picked up another two random and brone from depixelifying Mario. Took Ohmu 18, and Shrip 04
July 11th- Traded 4 brone for Esper 15=18
July 14th- Got future 19, Secure 11, Excel 15, Pink15, Blind 06, Demure 19, and a Bronze from identifying a sora and claymore.
July 15th- Traded bling06 for igura 11 with playingmyrole, offered lysberries job 06 for Chozo
July 15th- Traded Finance 11 to chianna for twili 11, got broz=ne for a cardpick
July 21st- Traded Excel and Velvet to for Hobby 03, 16. Traded Secure 11 for Cower 08 with chill_shadow. Got a gold cert, extra igura 11, and koopa 01 from a card pick giveaway. Got cool 05, fiend 05, and goal 19 from BBS. Offered chikky2k5 Shrimp 04 for Clover 13. Got koopa 2, bronze, secret01, yoru02, goal 19, and egypt 09 from the Birthday guess. Got Sorel, Omega, and Rose from a give away.
July 22nd- Got Shrimp 04 for Clover 13. got Call 18, novel 11 & 06, and rikka 15 from GY. Scavenger hunt 28&29: Onigiri 1, Lively 07, Tragedy 04, Lax 07, Mascot 09, Hero 11, Light 11
July 23rd- Approved trades with chianna, coloredpastels, and asinineabstract. Traded Okami, and 0hmu 18 for Hobby 09 and DC 16. Traded Hero 11 for Plumb 20. Traded Yoru 02 for Ring 06. Got Kappa and Cold 14 from Freebie 26.
Jul 24th- For Dress Identification and Anime Trivia got formal 15, god 04, and whip 09, and cold 05, death 02, and sitar 04. Traded playingmyrole seiryu 16 and ring 06 for Ray11 and Chase 08. Traded 4 bronze and gold for Esper8-11 nd Desho 1
july 25th- Traded chianna Egypt 09 for Choice 20
July 26th- Clover 14 from haruhara for my Rogue 15. Got Esper03, Pride 06, and Shroom 15 for Level 2. Traded Whip 09, and lively 07 for a bronze with bluedia. Traded light (09 and 11) cards to fluffyferret for two bronzes
july 27th- Traded Secret 01 for Sorel 12 with blue_fox_girl. Traded elystia death 02, tragedy 04, and goal 19 for God 18,14, ad 08. 2 bronze for esper 12 and 13. ESPER COMPLETED. Got Cold 08, Formal 09, Horse 14, and Naryuu 20 from Seiyuu Guess. From Master got junk 02, hobby 19, and suzaku 20. Traded onigiri07 for DC01
july 31st- got god 12-20 fom the quitting user. Got shades, tragedy, protect and colt from character guess.
August 1st- Got Call 04 for God 18 (purinusesu
August 2nd- Traded politicologic pride 06 for potion 03. Got seriyu, neck, koopa 01, and gorilla 19 from haruhara for kyrios, lax, future, and *look up fourthcard*
August 3rd- Seiyuu Guess 41: fly14, raitei03, criminal09, inhale15
Guess the Game 48: album06, cool12, oil08
Guess the Mascot 27: agar10, change17, selene04, otaku14
Anime Trivia 50: chor09, jail12, alice13. Traded playingmyrole enck 11 for mascot 03.
August 4th- Traded Agar10 for God 11 with chill_shadow. From Eye Soy 51, Distorted 35, and birthday 58 got 2 bronze, metal04, lax11, knit09, dame11, sanc 09, scent20, and crusnik 17
August 5th- from eyespy 50, guessthe character 50, and pick a card 49 got te following cards: 1 bronze, yamato 05, ace 14, akuma 20, bad 20, broom 02, dragon 06, killer 03. Got nun 09, nun 19, and God 01 from princess_saix in exchange for koopa 01, idol 03, and oil 08. God14, Lax11, Raitai03, jail 04, and Selene04 for haruhara's clover13, 10, 7, 5, 1. Traded knit 09 for mascot 08 with playingmyrole
August 11th- Traded Change 17 for naryu 20 with themodestotter. Traded Bad 20 for chozo 02 and clover 13 for wired 17 with coloredpastels. < lj user="lucathia_rykatu"> gav cold 18 for dame 11.
Aug12th- otaku 14 for warui 04 with purincesu.traded0x dragon 06 for God 06 got novel 18 as a present from neojack123
Aug 15h got plumb 16 for fly 14 with harumonic. Got blitz 10, yumei, and __ from birthday guess.
Aug 19th- Bronze, amber09, judo13 2 from eyespy 52, agar07 from scrambler30, from pick a card 49 manor15, grudge 05 and boy 06
Aug 20th- 2bronze and potion 03 for 1 gold and warui 13 with playingmyrole. From 2 most recent pick a card, scrambler 30 got 1 silver, 1 bronze, 9803, common 14, kaze 13, witch 11. Graveyard... Novel 1-5, 7, 9, 10, 12-14, 19. Got yoyo02 and warm06 for referal. Nun 08, nun 17, twins 17 from
Aug 24th- Traded lbum06, broom 02, sanc 09, ad protect 16 for Desho 08, clover 12, and mascot 13, also chozo19 for yoyo2.
Aug 25th- Traded 2 rone, 1 silv and 1 gold for novel 15, 08, 16, 20, and desho 02. Got wits 13, nun 14, peanur 02, style 1, and seiryu 13 from x_harlockina_x. From anime trivia 51 got eternal 01, nymph 12, and chakra 06.
Aug 28th- traded playingmyrole eternal 01 for sir 13. Traded 98 03 for inhale 01 with fluffyferret. Mastered novel got God 10, cruxis 09, and poison 17, from brwl trivia roudn got uncouth 17, betray 01, and heil 06.
Aug 29th- gifted Torture 06 from playingmyrole
August 30th- Recieved kuroi 07, broom 07 and god 02 for level 03. Got silve, link13 and artemis 13 from spot the difference 33. Got a bronze, fiend 07 and lynx 03 from b-day 61.
Sept 1st- moe 16 for warui 10 with xtiggzie. Got bronze, valesti 11, makai18, kronos 13, nano08, potion 13, exia05, corrupt 13, monster14, valesti11, hydra 16, barrel 10, food 12, fedora 05 from freebie 29, guess masscot 29, scavenger 32, and matching 31. Crusnik for clover 17 w/ lcpdragonslayer.
Sept 3rd- Got Desho 10, God 7, 5 and 3 from GY. <3 From seiyuu guess 44, eyes 55, character 54 got bronze, breed08, police 01, shine13, blue 10, usagi 15, sky 13, goetia 18, blue 10. traded exia 05 and sky 15 to xtiggzie fot mascot 2 and 8.
Sept 7th- Traded silver and 4 bronze for 2 gold. From Seiyu 44, Eye 55 and Scaenger hunt 34 got the following cards: 1 bronze guilty 09, perky 13, 1412 13, carve 10, gold 01, cut 16, imitate 18, spandex 05, steal 16 and warrior 12. traded playingmyrole fiend10, scent 20, and shine 13, for dc 18, badge 03 and critic 15.
sep8th- traded chikky2k5 kuroi07 and junk02 for shine 06 and ring 15. traded ring 15 and junk 02 to playingmyrole for badge
sep10th- grom gy got clover 18-20 and critic 16. from gues the game 53 got yoyo 15, sky 12, sharp 08. Traded playingmyrole shine 06 and ring 15 for badhge 19 and 15. traded purincesu carve 10 for cower 06.
sep11th- desho 3-5 for 3 broze and 2 gold. nun06, cool 19, and flower 15 to ,lj user="haruhara"> for link 13, style 01, and usagi 15. Traded ladybrighid3333 sitar 04, kaze 13, and chakra 06 for critic 08, chozo 17, call 19.
Sept 13th- traded lucathia_rykuta perky 13 for call 01. from scavnger hunt got 1 bronze, boar 16, sky and goose 18.
sept 14th- from scavenger 37, mangaka 26, anime trivia 52, and distoreted 58, got 1 bronze, wander 16, whip 15, taiyaki 14, luxuria 17, hell 01, flame 08, fear 16, cabbit 02, fashion 05, kasshin 12, thug 12, and warrior 06. headshot- lynx 03 for cold 15.
sept15th- xtigzie God 09 for corrupt 13. playingmyrole- thug 12 for inhale 07. hobby 12 for sky 12 w/ darkranger. Mastered God, got exia 10, survive 19, and 1 brozne. Sharp 08 to chikky2k5 for hound 14. Hound 14 to playingmyrole for sutra20. death_the_kid - traded gold01, warm 06, and moster 14 for critic 3, 11, and . From character guess and BBS got a bronze, 667 4, a 04, edge 05, neptune 15, raid 02, and yoru 07.
Sept 17th- Got 1 bronze, guilty20, allure17, seong 19, and zanza07 from spot the difference 37 and scrambler 32. Clover cards 17, 15, 11, and 6 from GY.
Sept 20th- Traded yoru 07 to playing myrole for sorel 03. Traded akuma 20 for mushi 10. From Scavenger hunt 38 got 1 bronze, traitor 15, faith 08, and enrgy 09.
Sept 22nd- Traded evilbo Nun 09 for mascot 11. akikodestiny - boy 06 for mushi 07. From Eye Spy 58 an Guess the Character 57 got 1 bronze, aijo 07, carve 19, perky 02, scythe 11 and reject 03. Got hyrda 06 from 's give away. From GY got cover and 9, spare twins 17 and mushi 19. Mascot 05 for yoyo 15 with rhap_chan. Traded lauzliprince sky 18 and metal 04 for sir 05 and cower 02.
Sept 28th- For barrel 10, luxuri 17 and fear 16 for hydra 9, 5, and 15. From scavenger 39 got lord 01, fence 10, and extreme 06. Traded A04 for mascot 14. Traded 667 14 to thisisarisia for pink 04. headshot - allure17 for mascot 05. duo-aurionNon 02, 08, 14, 19, manor 15, cut 19, and whip 15 for Mushi 1, Wits 17, Tongari 02, Neck 03, Gorilla 01, key 04, and Badge 17. Traded windelle artemis 13 and hell 01 for breed 15 and breed 07.
Sept 29th- traded roni 16 to dia-aren-marie for warui 01. Traded shades 10, blue 10, onigiri 11 and 01, cabbit 02, and heil 06 for willow 01, nyoro 03, hyrdra 14, cower 20, and breed 09 and 02 with fluffyferret.
October 1st- Traded 3 bronze for desho 07. From Eye spy 59, guess the character 56, birthday 66, scavenger hunt 39, and freebie 30-31 got 1 bronze, cheagle 08, crusnik18, demon 09, eight 07, Game 02, God 17, heaven 09, herr 18, hound 07, majin 01, mark 16, power 13, pride 14, rent 14, robot 16, style 03. Traded lj user="deidarakun"> broom 07 for critic 17.. Traded cheagle 08 for twili 03. Traded playingmyrole pride 14, tongari 02, power 13, hound 07 and neck 03 for shroom 02, raven 07, rikka 13, spice 14, and mascot 14.
October 6th- from gy got hydra 01, hydra 07, common 06, common 07, Traded playingmyrole fiend 05 for naryu 14. Traded sparkism something for breed 14. level up got 1 bronze, yunmei 05, and panty 15.
0ctober 7th- caitirin God 17 for shallow 14. Got hunt 05 from scrambler 33. Got desho 6 for 3 bronze. Got wired 05 & 06, chozo 15, and badge 01 from GY.
October 8th- For mastery of desho got clover 02, atlas 09, dagger 14, and a bronze. Traded caitirin God 17 for shallow 14. horse 14 for sir 06 w/ thisisarisia. cold 12, hound 18, nyoro 11, sutra 16, peanut 11, and trust 19 for crusnik 18, goose 18, majin 01, makai 18, neptune 15, and witch 11 w/ princess_saix. teagueful traitor 15 for call 17.
Oct 9th- from spot the difference 39 got 1 bronze, peace 17 and punch 14. from guess the character 59 got ice 05, horn 18, and tail 09. eyespy 60 got 1 bronze, brag 13, and agni 18. traded 1412 13 for shroom 01.
Oct 10th- traded lucathia_ryktaku perky 02 for hound 18. traded playingmyrole hound 18 for naryu 01. cloer 04 and 08 for 2 broz certs. Pick a card 54 got a silver cert. harumonic carve 19 for hydra 19.Clover mastered got 1 bronze, onne 06, and onee 14. For new car assorted freee thing took mascot o1, msacot 04, antic 13, byronic 13, chaos 13, Fruit 13, Glide 13, Ideal 13, Mach 13, Obese 13, Read 13, War 13, Tab 13, piko 13, Clow 13, foster 13, and talk 13. traded lysberries scythe 11 for hydra 08.
oct 12th- traded Foster/Talk/War/Piko13 for bar a13, antic 03, forml 20, and torture 15 w/ playingmyrole. From scavenger hunt got bar 05, lunar 13, and bone 04.
Oct 13th- traded game 02 and fedora 05 to failouch for mushi 04 and mushi 09. got mayo 07 and bow 15 from freebi 32. Traded killer 03, twins 17, and extreme 06 to playingmyrole for plumb 19, spice 17, and suzaku 10. Also.... Someone wonderful gave me the Chariot.... <3. From BBS 30 got 1 bronze, court 03, fart 14. from user giveaway leaving thing lianchini.... (get the name of tjhis user) got fast 1, 5, 8, 10, 12, Alien 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and seiryu 19.
Oct 15th- tradeddeath_the_kid 3 bronze and one silver for mushi 1,2,3,5,20, breed 03, choice 07, dc 12, and hydra 02. Traded linananda clow song for igura 19 and heika 15. got breed 19 from cookie_pixie for bow 07. from lianchini got tea 17, fireball 17 and 06, duchess 19 and 03, fast 20, 17, 16, 13.
Oct 16th- Heika 15 for common 08 with playingmyrole
October 19th- Traded nun 06 and 17, and ddemon 09 to xmirage for wits 17, doctor 10, and koopa 13. traded cloudxsora aijo 07 for amscot 15. common 1-3 and peanut 15 from GY. from laundry 33 got 1 bronze, rubber 03, gemss 09, and pride 12. character 60 got shrim011, 669 03, black 05. from scavenger 41 got metal 08, marks 11, and partner 18. from level up got bronze, chao 20, and brazo 03.
Oct20th- from birthday 68, eyspy 62, and character gues 61 got 1 bronze, angel 02, betray 16, daruma 16, nyoro14, protect 01, scythe 10, secret 08, secure 18, tori 14, and wave 06. Traded mascot 08 for sir 13 with hoshikata. Got brave 09 for pride 12 with playingmyrole.
Oct21st- traded brazo 10 for igura 16 w/ playingmyrole
Oct 22nd- traded xynare secret 08 for hound 15. from eye spy 63 and video game 59 got 1 bronze, antic 06, arm 13, criminel 06, eart 11, and fashion 03.hound 15 for sir 14 w/ playingmyrole. common 8,9,10,,11 from GY.
Oct 27th- got mascot 7,10,12 for 3 bronze. traded xx_frenzy grudge 05 for bar 11. Got hobby 15 for flame 08 with duel_time
Oct 28th- Got common4,12,13,15 from GY. secure 18 for cold 19 with lucathia_ryktaku. traded playingmyrole peace 17, glide 13, and boxes 03for hydra 03, and 11, and sir 07. Freebie 33, BBS 31, sacavenger hunt 43 got 1 bronze, boxes 03, chore 04, chariot 15, clover 13, fake 10, kami 12, and rain 18 . Traded haruhara 2 bronzes for plumb 02 and 11, dc 02&5. traded death_the_kid ideal 13 for chase 14.
HALLOWEEN- betray 16 for mushi 14 w/ rokeru
Nov 2nd- traded rain 18 for cold 16 with playingmyrole. Got allien 1012 got breed 12,15 and badge 12, 20 from zellie_kinneas for rubber 03, warrioir 12, tea 17, criminel 06, blitz 10, and punch 14. got cower 16 and plumb 07 for chaos and fruit 13 with dark_ranger
Nov 3rd traded panty 15, fart 14 and agar 10 for extra 07, ray 15, and wired 08 wth chill_shadow. bronze, clover 18, wander 19 from eye spy 64.
Nov 6th- got common 16-18, and sorel 15 in Gy. Traded harumonic warm 06 for call 17.
Nov 10th- traded playingymyrolecommon 13 and 18 for imitate 14 and gorilla 12. from scavenger 44 got mach 04, angra 02, and tan 05. 1 bronze for mascot 20 w/ lilkoifish
Nov 12th- Got common 19 and common 20 from playingmyrole. from GY got chariot 16, lord 12, wits04, and guilty 05.
November 13th- for master got mascot 18, kama 08, and photo19. traded karakuri_hikawa style 06, bone 04, and betray 01 for earth 10, earth 07, and lord 19. angra 02 for spice 13 with rokeru. Black 05 for yunmei 03 with playingmyrole.
Nov 18th- traded sripturiency ice 05 for spice 12. traded haruhara rent 14 for choice 19. Got XYZQ from GY. From character 63, svanger 45, birthday 72, distorted 45, and freebie 34 got 1 bronze, achtung 16, tennis 11, star 12, catgo 19, circus 15, earth 06, fashion 03, curse 10, nebula 09, ira 07,nyan 03, rookie 11,send 07, and smoke 08
Nov 23rd- got think 09, l;arvae 19, uranus 15, makai 14, and police 14 from scavenger 47. got mushi 08, brave 01, brave 02, and brave 04, from GY. got earth 09 for send 07 with techno_beat.
Nov 24th- got mushi 15 for achtung 16 with lucathia_rykatu
Nov 25th- cower and pink 03 for onee 4 and 16 with kittycatmew. Ira 07 for choice 06 with duo_aurion. okama 08 for fast 14 with chikky_2k5.
Dec 1st- akane_nara gold 01 for chili 13. cloudxsora nyan 03 for wits 02. death_the_kid earth 11 for circus 15. got 1 bronze from playingmyrole. think 09 mayo15 yamato 05 and zanza 07 for igura 01, fast 11, extra and suzaku 18. earth -8 for call 17 with xxfrenzy. food 12 for wired 18 with windelle. badge 11 for exia 10 with stopping. DC 11 for rookie 11 skittlestemple
Dec 2nd- got honey 20, sir 12, nyoro 01, and goober 12 from mascot 35 and matching 36. Trasded 2 bronze for mascot 17 and and 18. herr 18 for chozo 18 with corelle.
December 8th- from seiyuu 56,BBS 34, card exchange, scavenger 49, card pot 39, and mascot mastery got 1 bronze 2k01, auriga 14, bone 01 chef 12, mushi 06, contest 03, friend 09, glory 10, loyal 18, sand 15, sweep 13, and brave 19. LEVEL UP got mushi 11, mask 14, bald 16, and fuse 10.
Dec 9th- choice 14 for duchess 19 with jadeofalltrades
Dec 10th- from GY shroom 12, 08, brave 13, brave 20. gift from moonlitdream20 spice 11, poison 02, ray 01, naryu 15, antic 08.
dec 13th- dagger 01 from moonlitdream20. colt 10 for badge 16 with playingmyrole. fast 06 for auriga 14 chrysa. guess the character69, pilot 17, flat 20, hohe 07.
Dec25th- for freebie36 37 mangaka 33 character 70 got 1 bronze, draciel 05, ego 02, fist 11, garan 07, genro 10, lead 16, loyal 08, mask 12, spandex 04, strings 20 and yoyo10. GY got gorilla 10, kira 11, suzaku 3&8. gave protect 01 for critic 13 with xtiggzie . got tepes 19 for bald 16 with greyrook_22 . got pink 11 and chili 07 for sand 15 and mask 13 with akane_nara.
January 7th- New cards and trades: usercard x5, Mongrel 14, Obey 06, Fourth 06, Inept 08, Pleiades 01, Oracle 14, Roger 18, Sheer 15, Sexual 18, Anchor 20, Bet 19. Traded Obey 06 to playingmyrole for Bet 01, Fourth 06 to xx-frenzy for Bet13.
January 11- Got Koopa17 from playingmyrole. sir 04 and bet 07 for lead 16, mongrel 14 with politicologic. got knife14 for 669 03 with nyarmar.
Jan 14th- got a bronze from card pick due 12/16 (number isn't listed). parapara05, trap11 and a bronze from mangaka 34. aloof04, talk10, dream13, one bronze from seiyuu guess 52. punch20, lively19, diet13, and land08 from pick a card 64. from guess the character 72 got girl03, link15, nyo06, and a bronze cert.
jan 19th- €mushi 17 for diet 13 with ayasaki
jan 27th- got mushi 13,18, and 16 for 3 bronze. got katana 18, 15, 14, and 10 from gy. traded nymph 12 and friend 09 for dc 19 and gear 13 with qwertysaur. loyal 08 and 18 for hobby 07 and koopa 19 with purinusesu. fake 10 and lively 19 for yunmei 4 and 13 with thehadeslovesme. going to goet hydra 12 for wave 06 with stopping


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