from ultimate spider-man comic, book 4

Dec 03, 2002 19:56

What do you think of this exchange between Peter Parker (PP) and Norman Osborn (NO)?

NO: No, Harry doesn't know that his dad is the next step in human evolution-- or that his best friend is, I mean was, Spider-Man. No. Not yet. Maybe one day when he's ready-- when I feel the boy can handle his true destiny as an Osbourn. But for now it's our little secret. Our bond as men. Our first of many, Peter.

(NO means first of many evolved beings--mutants. Like what were you thinking? XD)

NO: Because from this day forward, now and forever you belong to me. You work for me. You do as I say. And for that you will be rewarded. Your future in this world will be a fine one. One worthy of your budding intellect and power. But there may be some things you have to do that you might not agree with-- some decisions I make that you don't understand. And even thought you may not appreciate my grand vision just yet, you will obey me. Because if you do not... well... Well, first I will torture and possibly murder your dear auntie... I'll probably do it right in front of you. Or maybe I'll just destroy your little girlfriend. Mary Jane, right?

Then while they watch a vid Harry Osborn got (Interview with the Osborn family), NO kept a hand on PP's shoulder.

How can I not get slashy thoughts? It was kinda like Lucius/Harry! The Osborn a la Malfoy (except that Harry Osborn is not Draco-ish in anyway). XD

fandom: spider-man

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