SPM: More Fanstuff

Aug 09, 2004 17:26

Lots of images behind cut. About eight. Slash content.

<3 aefallen <3 wynter_myst

Caption Fun

In which there is something to sing about:

James Franco: I need an appointment with my manicurist.
Tobey Maguire: *thinking* LookhereJames,dammit,lookhere.I'msorryIbrokethatnaillastnight,butjustlookhere!
Willem Dafoe: I'm coming back in the second movie? Omg! Am so happy! This calls for a celebratory singing-
Sam Raimi and Kirsten Dunst: *thinking* Oh god, not again.

Just one kiss:

Harry: Com'on Pete. Just one kiss. Right here.
Peter: (off screen) *whispering* Harry- we're in the lecture theatre and it's not empty.


Peter: Last night? It was great!

And more lameness. Haha. Well, it's late, I need sleep, and like the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome, I get really lame when without sleep.

It's slashy by the way. Don't click if offended. ^^;


Chemical equations and notes on molecular covalency weren't making much sense to Harry. So, when the phone rang, he welcomed the interruption with much relief. He hadn't been out of his room since coming home late from last night's social clubbing, and spent the rest of the morning sleeping, and the whole afternoon trying to get around to finishing the assignments that were to be due the very next day.

It turned out that his buddy, Peter, was on the other end of the line. Which was great. Hopefully, he won't have to get back to his chemistry tutorial anytime too soon, if he could keep Peter on the phone. But Peter was away for some science fair in another state, which means he must be using a public payphone to contact him now, and won't be able to chat too long.

Peter was doing fine. Apparently, he bagged first prize for his project. Harry wasn't surprised about that. But what he was surprised of was Peter's "Harry, I have really, really, really bad news."

Harry couldn't help but start hypothesising what news could be dampening Peter's enthusiasm.

"Harry, I- I-" Peter stumbled over the first few words before starting to speak in a hushed whisper. "I won't be coming back tomorrow night."

Harry's eyes widened. He thought Peter's flight back to New York was scheduled tomorrow, and had some small celebration party thing planned (he knew Peter would win first prize anyway).

Before he could even start to panic, Peter continued, "I'll be on my way home tonight. I've switched to the seven pm flight."

Harry could almost hear Peter grinning at the other end. "Almost caught me there, Pete. Almost. I'll come to pick you up, alright?"

"And by picking me up, do you mean, having someone to chaffeur you to the airport to meet me?"

"I was thinking along the lines of a cab."

"No, it's okay; I'll be really late."

"Peter. No one refuses an Osborn."

"You know I don't."

"Remind me again, when you're back."

"If you're so keen."

A smile slowly spread over Harry's face. He was sure Peter was smiling too.

"See you soon, Pete," Harry kissed the phone and hung up.

Who cares about finishing assignments?

Certainly not Harry, because he'd found an adequate excuse for half-done work.

fandom: spider-man

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