SPM2 Again *flees*

Jul 25, 2004 17:58

Before I proceed, I've this link from protozone (Thanks, mate!) It's regarding Spider-Man 3. *grins widely*

That's like three years later, near my birthday. What a treat. =3

If You're Not Into Harry/Peter, Don't Click. I Didn't Want To Cut This, You Know. Bah. )

fandom: spider-man

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aefallen July 27 2004, 10:02:38 UTC
Dear Norman,

I had such bad thoughts about you possessing Harry's hand whenever you liked that I ought to be... Bad idea.

Yours, aefallen.

Dear Harry,

You're cute.

Especially when you wail.

Yours, aefallen.

(I just didn't want to ruin the lovely father-son interaction)


ranchelle July 27 2004, 10:47:02 UTC
bad thoughts about you possessing Harry's hand whenever you liked that
SO WRONG NORMANXHARRY mymindhasjustgoneintothedeepgutterthinkingveryverywrongthings *dies*


nescienx July 27 2004, 15:58:34 UTC
HEHEHE. (IthinkIdon'tmindreadingNorman/Harry.)


aefallen July 27 2004, 19:18:28 UTC
NeitherwouldIbutno one'swrittenityet.

When I was wandering around looking for Norman/Peter, the only one I found on FF.net was a Norman/Peter with an Oblivious! Harry. Norman/Peter had already happened when Norman supposedly met Peter for the first time on the steps of their school when Harry forgot to take his schoolbag outta the car.


nescienx July 27 2004, 19:22:22 UTC
I wonder how they met.

No one's written Norman/Harry? =/


aefallen July 27 2004, 19:24:07 UTC
No one's written Norman/Harry that I'm aware of.

(But then I spend most of my life oblivious)

Or James/Tobey for that matter. Although people have started looking. *grin*


nescienx July 27 2004, 19:52:40 UTC
James/Tobey doesn't seem really apparent because they just don't do anything fun together!


aefallen July 27 2004, 20:53:44 UTC
Rather they don't do anything that we see? XD


nescienx July 27 2004, 23:33:02 UTC
More like they don't do anything in public enough.


aefallen July 27 2004, 19:13:50 UTC
Trust me, next to the sight of majokai *niko-niko*-ing (You know, I'm sure you had a hand [Taking lessons from Norman, eh, Serry?] in this, and it's scaring me) and talking about Cole spanking Eeyore soft toys, Norman/Harry is a bastion of light and safety. *runs for it*

I can see Norman/Harry, though. And if people're already writing Godfrey/Balian (Kingdom of Heaven's Liam Neeson/Orlando Bloom father-son relationship)...


nescienx July 27 2004, 19:57:20 UTC
How is that pic "Paris of Troy"?


aefallen July 27 2004, 20:20:50 UTC
You read icon descriptions too! XD

This is how.

*laughter* I'll just put it up:

... )


protozone July 27 2004, 21:32:00 UTC
nescienx July 27 2004, 23:25:56 UTC
Oh. So those are Penny Arcade's comic strips. Have not read any PA before.

...he's fucking Spider-Man!
^ makes me want to think of something else that's very out of context. ^^;;

protozone, I'm surprised you're reading this post.

Many guys like to steer clear of posts that have slash.


aefallen July 27 2004, 23:31:26 UTC
Have not read any PA before.

WHAT??!?!?!?!? GO NOW! AND READ!

he's fucking Spider-Man!

Adjective, verb, adjective, verb, adjective...


Did you see the comment to braidedidiot's?

You know, if you hadn't said: Many guys like to steer clear of posts that have slash. - I never would have known.


nescienx July 27 2004, 23:44:26 UTC
Dangit. Not another webcomic to keep track of.

I've read all comments, but not sure which you're referring to. The spandex?


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