three things: pic, plug, fic

Sep 19, 2003 02:46

It's early morning and I'm not asleep! I have decided to call my WIP Shiva Fanart as "finished" and posted it on DA. *dies* Spent a freaking number of hours from drawing till CGing. Learned some stuff in the process, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Though I suspect if I hadn't been CGing, I would have been able to wake up and have my hair done up as FFX Lulu's on Wednesday morning; I might have remembered the Quiz that was on Thursday and I won't have the tendency to fall asleep in front of Smith.

Link: FFX Shiva Aeon

Many thanks to aingeal_isilme, ammonium and arrch for their ever encouraging comments.

And I forgot to plug this in my previous post: Obi Wan: Jedi of the Carribean. If looking for some AU crossovers with an OOC Obi Wan and an edge of morbid and possibly lame humour, click on the link. Lameness is my fault. I did the script. arrch and alasen tried to make it better, and they did! Numbat provided the pictures.

N-S NC-17 little snippet from my series Revelations (slash):
Are you around, aefallen? If not, who would want to beta-read it? I've still to add a few lines into the chapter before sending it.

artage, fandom

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