Feb 12, 2006 20:07
Session Start (gryphonygoodness:crgx82): Sun Feb 12 19:56:24 2006
[19:56] crgx82: Hey there buttfuck. change your passwords because im gonna shit on your LJ and myspace like you do to clawxs chest everynight
[19:57] crgx82: D0 J00 SH1T J00 P4NTS TH3N G0BBL3 1T UP
[19:58] crgx82: no answer eh. yeh figures you fuckin cunt
[19:58] crgx82: keep on pming on dp. im saving enough of them to get you banned from there lol
[19:58] gryphonygoodness: kay
[19:58] crgx82: then you wont be able to get your cock off anymore by sending that shit, you cat fucking freak
[19:59] gryphonygoodness: sounds good
[19:59] crgx82: yeh cat fucking sounds good to you
[19:59] gryphonygoodness: of course
[19:59] crgx82: does cal and clawx join in
[20:00] gryphonygoodness: yup
[20:00] crgx82: yeh figured
[20:00] crgx82: no words to say eh
[20:00] gryphonygoodness: I said words
[20:00] crgx82: talk shit o nthe forum
[20:01] crgx82: dont resort to behind the scenes shit
[20:01] crgx82: call me out on the forum itself pussy
[20:01] gryphonygoodness: lol
[20:01] crgx82: id love to see it
[20:01] gryphonygoodness: I don't care
[20:01] gryphonygoodness: I just do it for the lulz
[20:01] crgx82: yeh takes me 1 sec to delete
[20:01] gryphonygoodness: yup
[20:02] crgx82: what will you do to get off after youre banned?
[20:02] gryphonygoodness: *shrug* spend time with claw. my lvr.
[20:02] crgx82: wait claw and your cyber sessions do that for you
[20:02] crgx82: yeh thats right
[20:03] gryphonygoodness: uh=huh
[20:03] crgx82: do you kiss the comp screen when you cyber with him
[20:03] gryphonygoodness: yup
[20:03] crgx82: then stick your .1 cm pecker i nthe usb port
[20:04] gryphonygoodness: mmm...sounds heavnly
[20:04] crgx82: im sure it does queer
[20:05] gryphonygoodness: now turn on that webcam. i need to see my love touch himself for me.
Session Close (crgx82): Sun Feb 12 20:05:23 2006
Session Start (gryphonygoodness:crgx82): Sun Feb 12 20:05:30 2006
[20:05] crgx82: go talk to calgone about that dumbfuck
[20:05] *** "crgx82" signed off at Sun Feb 12 20:05:46 2006.