ear tragedy number... well, it's like two or something

Jul 17, 2006 18:08

So yesterday I went swimming at my tia juana's house... I got some water in my ear that I tried to get out with a q-tip. Then I tried it with a curette... I got a lot of wax out but i still couldn't hear. It started to hurt (god why is that end so pointy? o_o wtf), so I stopped it.

Now my right ear is all plugged up and I can't hear out of it. WHAT HAVE I DONE. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER than to try to bug things that would have probably fixed themselves (shut up, matthew). Now I have to wait for these stupid ear drops to not work so i can say I've tried them already if I decide to go to the doctor's. I'm NOT going all the way out there unless they're gonna clean it, and before they do that they're gonna tell me to try the OTC stuff. So there.

This is really very strange. ;_; I feel so removed from the world. I hope all my digging around in there hasn't caused an infection (oh god that would take the cake).
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