Well, I'm still unemployed. Luckily, unemployment insurance covers my living expenses pretty nicely, so life hasn't actually changed all that much, except I don't have to go to work anymore. At first it was like being on an extended weekend, and then like being on vacation. At this point, though, I'm ready to go back to doing something useful and productive.
That's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon, though. At least, not through a standard salaried job. I apply to things and either never hear from them again, or only to get a rejection a long while later. I've only had two interviews, both of which ended with rejection. Last time I was on the job market, I got shortlisted for interviews quite a lot more; this time around, even with more experience, I'm getting less. Yay crappy economy. :p
Instead, I've been using the time to work on some freelance writing. I signed up to write science articles for
BrightHub, and have four articles up so far. I also have a small collection of how-to articles at
eHow, though most of them were written before the layoff. Go look and pass them around - I get paid from ad revenue for pageviews. :) It's not much money, but gives me something to do. I'll also take suggestions on what else to write about.
I'm also about to dive into more fiction.
Nanowrimo is about to start, and I'm all set to write yet another 50k words. I've been winning these since 2004 and don't intend to stop now. Who knows, if I stay unemployed long enough, maybe I'll sell a novel or something.
Other than that, I'm still doing what I was doing back in July at my last lengthy update - sorting through lots and lots of stuff - though at a much slower rate, now that it doesn't look like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon.