Happy 10th birthday TORn!

Apr 24, 2009 19:02

I want to wish a very happy birthday to one of my top favourite web sites of all time, theOneRing.net. They are celebrating the site's 10th anniversary this weekend, and what a decade it has been! Started by four fans to simply post spy reports from the LOTR trilogy sets, the site has grown and expanded beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Let's face it: TORn is the embodiment and role model for all modern fansites in all fandoms. They not only report Tolkien news (both book and movie) from all over the world and offer platforms for discussions (forums and irc channels). They've also published two books (The People's Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien and The Tolkien Fan's Medieval Reader), a full-length documentary film (Ringers: Lord of the Fans), they've hosted international fansites (including back in the day our very own Finnish Kontu) and held numerous contests, line parties, book publication events and perhaps most notably Oscar Parties which were also attended by the movie makers. What sets TORn apart from all other fansites are the close relationships they have forged with both PJ's team and the publishing houses that print Tolkien's works - both which have been unprecedented in the scale we've been able to enjoy. Here's to hoping for at least another 10 groundbreaking, wonderful years for TORn and us all!

Oh, and I run a fanlisting for TORn. Please consider adding your name! :)

fandom, internet, lotr

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