1. Ideal amount of sex per week?
A couple of times, I guess, on average. More when I've got a lot of energy and very little stress or when I just get on a roll; less when I'm so tired and stressed I'm liable to tear off somebody's head at the slightest provocation.
2. Ever had an online affair?
Affair as in cheating, or affair as in fling or relationship? I've never cheated online, but I've had plenty of flirtations and an ongoing thing or two. Hell, I even married Kyle!
3. Are you a member of the mile high club?
I haven't flown since I was what, ten? So NO.
4. Are you prejudiced against any particular group of people?
The willfully ignorant. If you choose to be a moron, I don't choose to be near you.
5. What constitutes bad sex?
Sport fucking and other forms of casual sex. I've had my share of one-night stands and two-week flings over the years, and those shared with people who mattered to me were universally superior to the empty ones. For that matter, I've had awful, disconnected sex with long-term partners (counted in years), and made short, sweet memories with people I'd just met and never saw again. I once had a FWB refer to what we shared as casual, and it still hasn't entirely stopped hurting, because I can't be casual about anyone I care about. That was a little off-topic, wasn't it?
I skipped the
bonus question, 'cause everybody knows the answer to that one. Everybody does, right?