The Obligatory Back-to-School Post

Jan 11, 2010 22:44

OMG, today was fantastic. Got up at stupid o'clock, picked up the money transfer my MIL sent, went to school, hung out with Dave (have I mentioned how much I missed Dave? 'Cause seriously. It was a lot.), got Kyle a present from his mom, came home, Liz was here (yay!), later dropped Liz at home, took Kyle and his various gift cards to Future Shop, where he got the iPod Touch he's been wanting, dropped the boys back here, picked up Jen from school, came back, hung out, had chili, took Jen home, and am now updating before I go downstairs and demand some love.

Looking forward to doing some more substantial posting now that I'm back on a schedule, and totally digging my classes so far.

OK, that's all you get tonight. There are boys downstairs waiting for me.


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