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Feb 22, 2012 17:26

Uncanny X-Force, the most breathtaking superhero comic of the past two years. Rick Remender and Jerome Opeña hit the ground running with "The Apocalypse Solution." The run finishes with "The Dark Angel Saga." The series is still ongoing, but I'm not up to that material yet.

Explosive comic book; superhero work that is just about without parallel.

The third issue of All-Star Superman. Every story in All-Star Superman is classic. In this chapter, Superman gives Lois his powers for a day. Much to her delight.

Frank Quitely is the best modern superhero artist. By far. He is the master of the grotesque, of the majestic and of tremendous displays of strength, motion and destruction. Why am I explaining this?

I like a lot of good comics. I also like bad comics. Earlier on this blog, I talked about the universally panned Catwoman comic. I like it. I like pretty the character and I like the art.

I am a fan of fictional friends. I liked Power Girl and Atlee from the old Power Girl series. It's strange that Judd Winick erased Power Girl's friend and replaced her with some dude.

Mercy Sparx.

This is one of the first things I downloaded from Comixology when I first got the app. It's very cheesy to say the least. But I have a dumb affinity for this comic and how hard it tries to be sexy/edgy. Buddy devil girl. Yeah, sure.

In my defense, this was free.


Supergirl number one. This comic was a full-issue fight scene. I approve of that. Publishing a superhero comic just as a pretext for strong people punching each other is as good a reason as any.

Highly recommend if you like destruction.


Batman Year One. Some old comic about the first adventure of Batman. Made by Frank "I hate Islam" Miller and David "don't talk to me about Batman or Daredevil" Mazzucchelli. This is my favorite sequence from the entire storyline.

Bryan Lee O'Malley did a comic called Scott Pilgrim. It was somewhat more popular than initially expected and then a small cinematic adaption was made.

This is a page from the first exposure that I personally had to Scott Pilgrim. A very sweet comic about a very dumb guy.


The new comic Batman is drawn by Greg Capullo, the former artist of Spawn. More significantly to me, his job previous to Spawn was X-Force. The issues of X-Force that he drew were among my favorite comics as a kid.

I don't know what FF (Future Foundation) is about but I kind of like this comic. Who knows/cares. There's lots of comics out there to read.

Atomic Robo is a comic drawn by my friend Scott. That guy is pretty funny. I enjoy talking with him because we agree on almost NOTHING in comics. Our tastes do not overlap and it is fascinating.

I urge everybody reading this to check out Robo if you like: Indiana Jones, Hellboy, robots, humor, punching.

Ultimate Spider Man. Is this comic any good? I liked issue one but left it at that. I think I'll return to this series soonish.

Spaceman, or whatever. I should have followed this series. It's not too late, Comixology, or whatever. Azzarello and Risso are a good team.


I've been doing some more serious sketching since last night. I am deeply sorry to all of the people who like my work that I have left you hanging. I have had a rough few years.

Take care,


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