(no subject)

Oct 19, 2010 22:07

Day 01 - Introduce Yourself

Day 02 - Your First Love Limerence

Ooooookay. Stupidly this meme requires me to answer my first love before I can actually define love.

This question seems to imply 'first romantic relationship with love in it' Or romantic feelings, or whatever. I don't think I have experienced anything like that and is part of the reason I call myself aromantic asexual. Of course sexuality is not as clear as most people think it is - see the Kinsey report, so who knows about the future. But before I derail this into a discussion on my sexuality, lets get back to love.

My first obsession
Yesterday, I talked about obsessions. My first one that I remember was 'rabbits'. My scrap book mentions rabbits where it can, and I had a bunch of rabbit toys. My favourite toy was a rabbit plush called 'Ninitendo Face'. Really, don't ask. Just don't. Nintendo Face still sits on top of my bookshelf. On top of my bookshelf and desk are items related to past obsessions I have had. Bugs Bunny was my favourite and basically anything to do with rabbits. I'm suprised I didn't live in a hutch, but if I thought of it with my 6 year old mind, I would have!

First 'crush'
Yes, I had crushes. Mainly because it was the thing, and I had to pick people. Me and friends even had this thing called 'lovers club' in grade 6. Basically the main game was like pin the tail on the donkey, except we had a wall of decorated hearts with classmates. The ones we liked where decorated nicely. We also had girls names for 'if you're a lesbian'. Ha,, can you guys actually imagine me doing things like this? Anyway, my first crush that I remember was somebody called Kye Lewis. And it was on the basis of him being interested in computers. In primary school, no one else was. He had his own webpage, and that was too awesome, especially back in ol' 1998! Basically, it was because it was the first other nerd I knew. The funny thing is, the best part was that it was unrequited. I don't know if he knew. Probably did, the way I make things obvious lol. But I like to admire people behind their backs, to myself. I can only comfortably show affection to animals.

Hahaha, just now I decided to look up his facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kyelewis and he's unrecognizable to me. I still remember him as the chubby little boy with messy brown hair and runny nose.And that's what I liked. It is almost like a huge 'lololol you called me nerd? Look at me everyone loves me now, muwahahaha!'.

First crush on me
It's hard to know these things, because it goes on other people's reports. Apparently, the 'school bully' back in primary school had a crush on me. I don't know, but it could have explained why he never went for me, considering I was one of the 'most unpopular people' or at least belonged to that group. And he's regularly fight with people that 'were mean to me :('. But then again everyone was mean to me back then :P

Anyway, there was Merrick. I think that's how you spell his name. I was in year 9 and he was year 7. He was a boy on the bus who used to stare at me. I used to call him 'boy who thinks I'm psycho' because I thought that's what that look meant. Apparently not. He started talking to me, and he managed to scam these gold dragonball Z tazos or whatever the fuck I used to collect. They were really rare so it was a huge deal. Ha, friends with benefits. But the whole thing was uncomfortable for me, I had no crush on him back.


I don't think I have experienced that yet.I really don't know. There are the closest things to 'first love' I could come up with. This will do for now, I will discuss more on Day 05.

I also just learnt the word Limerence from wikipedia today. Cool.

Day 03 - Your Parents
Day 04 - What you ate today
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your day
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A moment
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - What you wore today
Day 11 - Your siblings
Day 12 - What’s in your bag
Day 13 - This week
Day 14 - What you wore today
Day 15 - Your dreams
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favorite memory
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - This month
Day 21 - Another moment
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - A first
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favorite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Day 30 - One last moment
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