Jul 30, 2007 08:39
people who say "thinking about something is the same as doing it" are pretty much retarded. I can't BELIEVE some people think this! it's totally ridiculous. (and for the record, yes, there ARE people who do.)
someone with an avid imagination must be a sinner, right? or a man who sometimes fantasizes about women other than his wife is cheating on her, right? someone who writes horror/murder stories and thinks about the situations they're creating are murderers, right? people who get angry and imagine pummeling someone they're angry at to relieve the stress should just be charged with assault, right?
CHRIST, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? wrong, that's what!
who you are is not about what you think or want or feel or imagine or consider. it's how you ACT on what you think, how you choose to RESPOND to how you feel. are you so mad that you want to hit someone? that's fine. that doesn't make you violent. do you hit someone because you're really mad? THAT'S when you're an asshole.
if you treat people with kindness and respect, that makes you a kind, respectful person, even if you HATE them in your brain.
a gangster who shoots people on the street for fun may be thinking about God and chastity and going to heaven. THIS DOES NOT MAKE THEM A GOOD PERSON, AND IT DOES NOT EXCUSE THEIR ACTIONS.
paedophiles who think about touching children but DON'T DO IT are not bad people. they have a problem and they are handling it and can be perfectly functioning members of society, despite their sexuality. on the other hand, paedophiles who DO TOUCH CHILDREN are the ones who are in the wrong, because of their ACTIONS. they are BREAKING THE LAW and committing immoral acts, and it's the ACTING that makes them criminals -- not the fact that they like children.
on another note -- fuck people who want to just kill paedos regardless of how they have or have not acted upon their feelings. PAEDOPHILES HAVE INSATIABLE SEXUAL DESIRES THAT CAN NEVER BE ACTED UPON. they can't HELP it, they don't WANT to want something they can't (or shouldn't) have, and they can't CONTROL WHAT THEY FEEL. what they can control is how they ACT on it, so the ones who refrain from coming into sexual contact with children should be patted on the back, pitied, have their hands held, etc. and maybe in the meantime we can try and see if there's a way to change it or prevent it, genetically/mentally/however, rather than ATTACKING THESE PEOPLE SO THAT THEY'RE AFRAID TO GET HELP!
AUUGHGHGGHHGGHGHGH! ignorance and stupidity bother me more than anything else on earth, pretty much.