Apr 06, 2003 20:31
There is a reason why I don't have any drama in my life...I can't handle it.
Today was rolling along like any other day in my cage, when I find out that I am thought to be a bitch by someone who I have consistently been loyal to for years. The diarrhea of the mouth sucks when it is aimed for your head. Then I find out that intentions were misinterpreted and troubles were unloaded on me, oh my. I don't know. The rest of the day pretty much was miserable due to the letdown. After work I went to the club and attempted to ride my anxiety away by going 7.9 miles on the bicycle and doing a little circuit (not circus) training. I hadn't heard from the one person who has been keeping things in perspective for me and began to get worrisome. LL ended up having crazy teeth pains and was sleeping it away.
Enough bummer entry and some possible unfortunate continued misinterpretation. Now I must go eat pork product and perogi.