Jun 13, 2011 23:57
Or "Do I spend way too much time on the internet?' Or 'Why hasn't anyone posted anything/the net is dead.' It's not so much that I've reached the end of the internet, since high powers know that there are some corners that I really don't want to venture into, but that there is only a limited amount of new content that I'm interested in each day (albeit, a relative large amount of content, even with my varied interests, but I can wade through it all in an hour or two, shorter on the weekends).
Sooo, I've decided to try to wear the shoe on the other foot a bit. To that end, I've been trying to generate content. Mostly, being better about keeping in touch with people via email (including sending people links/info of specific interest), making a lot of forum and blog comments and trying a bit to post a bit more often here.
I haven't gotten to the point of being uber active outside of the internet, like bugging the city government about their workings (side note: one of these days, I'm going to figure out the state's open record laws and go to town with requesting things to find answers). Though, I do try to bug my state representative and shareholder services via email from time to time (and sometimes it sounds like they actually listen, surprise surprise).