Aug 19, 2004 13:29
*woke up this morning around 7:12 because my brother was having a heart attack, he was telling my mom he never gets to sleep because he has to many bug bites.. lol it was so weird. but then i went back to sleep untill 8:25 then got ready to go to cheerleading. We went over more chants.. haha
*when i got home i got something to eat and went on-line for alittle while. Then went and took a shower. now im here :o).
*i wanna go to the fairrr i love it! its soo much fun, anybody wanna go tomorrow around 8?. Kaeleas definetly wrong the fair is the bestt!
*AmandaM- You know Napoleon Dynamite was the best movie. You should go back and see it because you didnt get to see the beginnig and thats soo funny! lol