Oct 02, 2003 17:45
Okay, so my day had its ups and downs. Let's start with the ups, since most people like those better. The Shakespeare scene that Tom and I did in AP Lit seemed to go well, and it was actually kind of fun. We practiced it about twice outside at the beginning of class, and I must admit, it was a little bit exciting not to know how it would actually turn out. In other good news, Lindsey Curley is my Little Buddy in the Thespian Buddy thing! I knew she would be since we asked for each other, but it is nice to have the "official" nod from the powers-that-be (a.k.a. Kirsten). So yes, those were the "good" highlights of my day. Oh yes, that and how nice Kirsten, Kat, and Katie have been.
Now for the not-so-good parts. Johana and I were auditioning for F.O.O.T. auction, and we were going to tap. Well, as it turns out, she tapped and I stumbled. A lot. This was due to the fact that as soon as we started, a combination of shaky legs, a loose tap, and some bad luck led to the hurting of my ankle. I'm not sure what I did to it, but OUCH! It hurt! I didn't want to stop and say that I hurt myself, but after that, the tapping was not pretty, for my part. When we were done, I sat down right away, but as I was sitting there, the hurt in my ankle just got worse. Then Kirsten came out after the bell rang, and when I told her what happened, so told Mrs. Elhai, who promptly sent me to the office. It was a rather undignified proceeding, to be honest. I was leaning on Kirsten, who was carrying all my stuff, and trying to hop half the way. I had to laugh a little.
When I got to the office, I learned that the nurse is mean, and she sent me home. I know that sounds nice, but I didn't want to miss class. So home I went, where I sat with ice on my ankle for several hours, and am now quite mobile again. It still aches, but I can walk pretty much like a normal person. I think that deserves an A+, don't you?
So yes, that is the saga of Lauren the Terrible Tapper and the Ankle of Hate and Pain. I hope that you have enjoyed my little tale of woe. Tune in next week for Part Two: Lauren and the Attempt to Regain Her Dignity!