a would-be legacy is beginning!

Apr 18, 2010 17:14


bought these two babies sometime ago ♥ AREN'T THEY CUTE?

Orientation, on the other hand, is already over. If you don't feel like reading about my would-be school environment, a really long dance program, Neverwhere & Good Omens -- feel free to skip over this entry.

So the first orientation day started out great and I can't even remember what happened on that day except I FROZE to death in the lecture theater. Gotta bring a jacket next time, I was almost dying. BUT I THINK I MADE FRIENDS, I SUPPOSE!? My course seems pretty GAR to make friends in, but the class still needs to bond more as a whole.

I think I actually became more social because I started talking a lot more...and I can make friends with random people on the bus now, woohoo \o/!! Okay, the dance program was basically instructors teaching us how to hip-hop in about nine hours, which was painful LMFAO but THE INSTRUCTOR FOR MY GROUP WAS SO MOE ;///; SERIOUSLY HE'S THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER ORZ I just like nice people and he has that whole 'nice bloke' thing going on lmfao


- OK OK so I went to Kinokuniya and bought Good Omens and finished it in about a day after that, FUCK YEAH TO MY READING POWERS and straight after that I finished Neverwhere in a day as well. On the topic of this I have nothing to say except MY GODS, I LOVE GOOD OMENS SFM ;__; ♥ Aziraphale is adorable, him and Crowley are the gayest things ever; they're endearing alright, and so very gay but I think anyone must've picked up on that already. There's bromance, there's romance, and then there's the romancey bromance. I ship them so hard I tell you.

Not to mention the fact that Good Omens fanfiction is very awesome. I love them so much and can only wish I wrote half as good as all of them authors. ♥

- Spent a LOAD of time last night chatting with fallacist and knaire on Hakuouki characters as household appliances and we have come up with some...interesting conclusions, FURNITURE!fic later if I feel up to it and YAH I AM PRETTY SURE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER FROM THIS FANDOM IS SHINPACHI :/a AS TO SHINSENGUMI DAY A LA SINGAPORE, I'LL PIMP THAT ONE LATER THIS POST IS LONG ENOUGH AS IT IS. Also I want to write Afterchsool Charisma fanfic what is this faggotry.

- I want to go to this so badly but I live way too far off for that ;__;

- I need to watch Gintama and Inazuma 11 along with marathoning Peacemaker, ARARARARA DDD8

spamming you since forever, life is pretty beautiful right now, ordinary stuff tag: drama, ordinary stuff tag: school, i ship it like fedex, i fail at life, what is this i don't even -, conspiracy theories

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