Apr 09, 2008 00:01
Tiny Girl is one month one today (or, well, yesterday now...)!
She has turned out (so far *crosses fingers*) to be much less of a fussy baby than Little Girl was. Last night she performed an amazing feat and slept for 8 hours in a row. I don't expect a repeat of this tonight, but it was nice!
LG is doing an amazing job with her sister. She wants to help change her diapers ALL the time--her part of the operation is limited to getting the diaper wipe and new diaper, then throwing the dirty diaper away, but it's still a help. Also, she wants to kiss the baby all the time. She would like to nurse her as well and I've had to explain on several occasions that I'm the only one who can do that. :) Overall, she's very sweet and motherly toward her and has yet to show any resentment. She is strongly lobbying to get a bunk bed so that they can share a room when the baby is a bit older...
We did have to go in today to get ultrasounds of TG's hips. She did an awesome job and was happy and cooperative during the whole thing. Apparently her hips are lax, but will likely fix themselves on their own. We have to get repeat ultrasounds in a month just to be sure...
So much has happened in the last month, I wish I had taken the time to post, even just private posts, so that I wouldn't forget some of this stuff. I'll try to do better in the future. (I always think that and it never happens.)