Jan 10, 2012 02:01


I've been doing my 365 Photo Challenge of FB because I've been wanting to delete my account there. That want is still very very strong.
I haven't been updating - even though it's only been 7 days - because my job has really threw my sleeping schedule a curve ball...or a bomb...or something that completely annihilates things.

On Friday I worked from 9pm to what was SUPPOSED to be 6am but it went on to 7am. I was doing inventory for the Domestics department. The manager of Domestics didn't help me or my coworker for that matter. And she actually WORKS in Domestics so I don't get why he wouldn't help her if he wanted to get the inventory done quickly. Everyone left at 6am except for 4 people, including myself and my coworker, Emily. So we were frantically trying to audit things but it just didn't work out and we were so pissed off that we just walked out. I was exhausted and covered in dust that I just didn't want to be there any longer.

Now keep in mind that it ended at 7am on SATURDAY. The Children's department (the department I work in) inventory is on Saturday. So I literally slept until 6pm, watched TV, showered, and went to work at 9pm. So the original inventory shift is 9pm to 6am because apparently 9 hours is enough to count every single item in the department. That is all kinds of a lie. It's stupid, really. So to cut to the chase, everyone ate our food (we brought snacks and drinks to inventory -- and by WE I mean my manager, Jasmine and I) and left at 6am. You're probably wondering how is that a bad thing, doesn't the shift end at 6am?

Let me tell you this, if you've never done inventory: IT'S NOT OVER UNTIL EVERYTHING IS DONE. COUNTED, AUDITED, SKEW REJECTS ARE FOUND AND EVERYTHING IS OVER 90% ACCURACY. So it was just Jasmine, Abdul, and I. There were A LOT of fuck ups from other people and we had to fix them. There were things that just would fly straight and we were basically FUCKED. We stayed there until 10am. We were tired, sore, and just in a bad mood. What really grinds my gears about this whole thing is that an employee from THIS department LEFT knowing that everything isn't completed. And her stupidfuckingself wore HEELS. IS. SHE. AN. IDIOT. YES.

And today I had work from 6pm to 9:45pm and I told her that Jasmine, Abdul and I had to stay until 10am because everyone left us with the dirty work. And she simply shrugged it off and said, "Leslie didn't leave until noon." Leslie being our manager.

WHO THE FUCK? SHE'S THE FUCKING MANAGER. MANAGER GENERALLY HAVE LONGER SHIFTS AT MACY'S. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A MANAGER LEAVE BEFORE AN EMPLOYEE. NEVER. If they have an opening shift, they come BEFORE the employees. If they have a closing shift, they leave AFTER the employees.


She is just a useless moron. She hates Macy's, and yet she wants to take ALL the sales to make her scorecard look good. She never cleans out the fitting room or picks up clothes from the floor. THAT IS A PART OF OUR JOB. WE ------------------HAVE------------------ TO DO IT. I DON'T DO IT BECAUSE I WANT TO. I.HAVE.TO.

I can't stand this woman. Her excuse is probably that she's "not young anymore." BULLSHIT. WE HAVE AN 87 YEAR-OLD WOMAN STILL WORKING IN OUR DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE ANOTHER OLD WOMAN WORKING THERE TOO -- I don't know how old she is but she's definitely over 60. This lazy woman is probably a little over 40. My mom is a little over 50 and she does everything and then some. She's just a lazy fuck and she has a full-time position. People like her don't deserve a full-time position. I sure as hell don't want it because I go to school.


And tomorrow I work 6pm to 9:45pm -- BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. I'm also doing the inventory shift for Macy Woman (plus size clothes). My manager says it's not as bad as Children's so I'm mildly fine with it. I need the money. :/ Oh the woes of being a poor college student.

And that is why this entry is posted at 2am.

Because my sleeping schedule is absolute fuck.

I have so many pictures I want to post but I never get around to editing them. I have a lot of days off and apparently I have vacation days?! I haven't been working for over a year...so...this is news to me. Maybe that's why no one harasses me about calling out so much.

But is it true that if you don't use your vacation days, you lose them? My dad literally has over a year of vacation days that he doesn't use...

rant, working man, fuck you

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