"It's a new year, not a new life!"

Jan 02, 2012 23:27



I've decided to do that 365 photo challenge. It says I'm supposed to say WHY I pick the pictures but...I'm most likely not going to be doing that.

What do you mean I'm lazy!? :x

They'll be on FB for probably a short amount of time because I'm deciding whether or not to delete my FB.

My sister went back to Germany this morning. D: I miss her already -- even though she spent more time with her fiance than me. But that's just how she is, I'm used to it by now. :/ I don't get how some people put their significant other over their own family. But whatever.

Work was mildly annoying today, as usual. A customer was giving me an attitude, I wasn't in my usual department, and I was just bored out of my mind. It was so dead in Macy's, but even worse in the plus size department! I literally went around thoroughly tidying up the clothes. I went through the clearance rack to make sure all the clothes had a hanger and off the floor. I never do that when I'm in Children's. That might be because we're lucky if that department has NO clothes on the floor or carelessly thrown over the racks. Anyway, a manager wanted me to go into Children's to clean up. I was like PFFFT NO I ALREADY CLOCKED OUT and left. My biggest issue is that the person who was working today never helps me clean when we do work together. She claims she does all the work, but then she's lounging around, folding some clothes and picking some stuff off the floor. I know the NEXT time we work together, she's going to say to me, "You didn't stay to help me clean. I had to clean it all by myself."

BOO FUCKING HOO, I'VE DONE THAT PLENTY OF TIMES BY MYSELF. She's been with us since September, so she should know it's hard work being in a department like Children's. She should just go to Housewares and do nothing like they do. Fffs.

Oi vey, I'm ranting and I didn't even mean to.


Have I mentioned I am in absolute love with Betsey Johnson jewelry? It's literally where most of my money goes to... It's painful.. OTL

So painful..

My baby is still alive and kicking!! ♥

My sister's fox kigurumi. I miss my panda one. (;A;) I'm thinking of buying a Rilakkuma one..

Aah~ it feels good to spam LJ with photos. (*A*)

pets, family, 365 photo challenge, working man

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