May 28, 2011 00:26


But it's part-time but that's OK because a job is a job. I hope I don't have to quit when school starts up! I can still take night shifts because I specifically made sure I don't have any late night classes. I think my latest class ends at 4PM I'm not sure.

I noticed I didn't post all the wonderful clothes I bought. (*w*) Oh man did I do same intense clearance shopping!! ♥ I'll post pictures.........eventually. Maybe by later today? Tonight? Gah, posting at midnight is so confusing. Some people refer to the "new day" after they go to sleep and wake up. SOWHATIFTHEYDON'TSLEEP? WOULD IT STILL BE THE SAME DAY? /explosions

I never really experienced the reason for saying, "Computers are so unreliable." During my training (I was the only one there D:) the computer I was on decided to go haywire. Fortunately, I was able to finish my register training, paperwork and those mandatory video-watching stuff all within the span of 5 hours. But I can say my gas tank is not looking too...happy. D: I get freaked out when it's not full...I need that damn paycheck ASAP before the cheapest gas price is back up to $4. :/

When I got home, I did a small hangout with Sharun then took him home. We were both pretty tired and I slept from 8PM to 11PM. I thought it was 11AM when I woke up. I was like OMGWATTHEFUCK and was going to get ready for work.

Thankfully I only have orientation...later today at 2PM. (*w*) That's going to last like an hour or two -- I hope. I might not get hours this week, which I'm somewhat fine with. SOMEWHAT. My manager is on vacation so I don't get any hours until she comes back. Maybe by Tuesday I'll be completely hired. By that I mean I am literally not a legit employee YET. Some whole thing with the CORP but I don't mind, as long as I get backpay for my hours.

I think I should go back to sleep. There's no reason to be awake right now. xD

wtf, jobs

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