"There's a warp zone in a BIRD."

Apr 17, 2011 12:38

Let me start off by saying I hate horror films that are actually GOOD. Why? Because I get so damn scared that I become paranoid. I know it's only just a movie, but I effin' hate it when I have nightmares similar to the horror flick I've watched. And like a moron, I decided to watch some horror flicks alone and I'll be home alone tonight because my parents are going to a service at some church. It's really beyond me the sudden interest in church.

And to add fuel to the fire, I downloaded the One Missed Call (Japanese version because it's scarier) ringtone and....well, I couldn't bring myself to put it on my phone. I'm keeping it on my computer.

Good and bad things happened. I'll only mention the good because the bad is personal. (;w;) LET'S DO THIS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.


I got my circle lenses in the mail!!!!

That's a week earlier than I expected. That somewhat changes my opinion on the seller since she estimated it will take two weeks. (*A*) If I were to cave in and buy from this seller, I'd have to make sure the batch she's doing is the of the lenses I want. But I noticed a problem with another batch so~ I don't know what to do~ Damn those low prices! So enticing.

The first picture is of one eye with circle lense and the other one without. The other two are just both of them in.

They look pretty good. These pictures don't do them any justice. I'll take another picture of them in the daylight.

When I first put them in -- well, tried to -- it took me over half an hour. "OTL I kept blinking and it wouldn't go in all the way. But I'm pretty confused as to how I am supposed to store them. Are there two solutions I should have? Because I only have one.

I think I need two, right? However I bought a multi-purpose solution from the person that sold me the contacts. That alone should be fine. I hope.

Here's what I bought. ♥

☆ 2 striped jumpers (navy blue [or black??] and white)
☆ 2 floral skirts
☆ 3 under shirts (white, beige, gray)
☆ Gray/blue striped skirt
☆ White dress
☆ Red girly see-through (?) blouse
☆ Black tights
☆ 2 white rings (a flower and a heart) and a flower/heart/pendant necklace

I question the see-through because...I can barely see through it.

Close-up on the skirt above.

Unfortunately I didn't take a clear picture of the rings and the necklace. (;w;)

Aah, I love shopping. ♥ I get to do a little more; shoes and a winter coat. (*w*) My poor coat is almost at its end. I've been wearing it to death since the day I got it. :D :D :D Poor thing.

And after shopping I was getting ready for my date. (*w*) It went so damn well. We're seeing each other again on Tuesday. I kind of want to see him today but I should control myself. I'm so impatient.

I took these pictures when I got home...which was at like...1AM. Bear with me please. (;w;)

What I wore that night. ♥

You can kind of see the ring an necklace I bought.

Now for yesterday!

Yesterday was Sharun's 20th birthday~ ♥ At first we weren't going to see each other because we were both kind of busy (more me than him since he really just went to I-CON). But I really want to hangout with him because he was able to be with me on my birthday. ♥

So I baked him a cake and my mom made an amazing dinner. ♥ Steak, potatoes, vegetables and garlic/cheese bread. (*w*) Oh! And we played Sonic 3 (for the SEGA) all night then we watched TV until I was too tired to even move. (;w;)

I had to add in his facial hair with a marker because the colored pencils wouldn't let me draw over the already-colored skin. (;w;)

He was so nice enough to bring me stuff from I-CON since I couldn't go this year. (T________________T)

☆ Giant Korilakkuma plush
☆ Korilakkuma charm
☆ Giant strawberry and chocolate pocky
☆ Domokun bag
☆ Hi-Chew mango flavored gum

We split the pocky. :3


relationship, special occasions, cinematic adventures, shopping

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