"Goddamnit every time I try to look at something, I get killed."

Mar 18, 2011 09:48

Uuugh my Harvest Moon DS game keeps freezing on me. I've made the habit of saving every time I go to bed and wake up in the next day, but sometimes it creeps up on me in the middle of the day. It's pretty discouraging and it makes me not want to play. D: But I don't really play other games. Come to think of it...I don't know where my other games are -- especially my R4 card. D: I can't remember where I put it last. And what with the move-around in the basement, everything's been moved to somewhere else. DX Gah!

Did I already mention this? I'm recording an Amnesia playthrough -- NOT WALKTHROUGH. OTL Because I don't know what I'm doing in that game. xD I downloaded osu! too but I haven't been playing it on the count of Amnesia. osu! is a beat game, so if you're into that sort of game, download it here! It's free and there's a lot of good songs. ♥ You just have to download them.

Not ma ny photos. The trip back was pretty relaxed and nothing interesting to take pictures of. I sat in front of this annoying teenager who kept whining. He kept saying, "Uugh, I don't want to be here," "Are we THERE yet?" and other crap. The family was from Chicago, I think. :|

They were fighting about the GPS and then I had to point out the right way to go before we actually went the wrong way. D: My dad's so used to the GPS that he doesn't read signs as much. :/

I hate the car rental place we went to. Dollar Parking. It sucks ass. They damaged our car and I didn't even notice it until we were halfway home. And they took forever to get our car out of storag/parking/whatever you call it. They just are awful. I told my mom to never go to them ever again. :|

vacation, video games

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