"Watch out for the loan sharks!"

Feb 06, 2011 15:01

Jose's birthday was amazing. I had so much fun!! Even though he came, I still had fun. ♥

Jose's the one of the left~ the birthday boy~~~

They were waiting for Sharun and I to show up. We didn't stay at D&B long because...well, we just didn't want to. D&B is a money-guzzling land. So we decided to go have dinner at Koreana.

The food was pretty good -- but I ended up eating something gross. I asked Pat what it was and he said it was intestines. D: D: D: D: IT LOOKED LIKE A PIECE OF CARROT TO ME, FOR SOME REASON, AND I WAS FOOLED. When I chewed on it I was like "..............THIS IS NOT THE TASTE OF A CARROT!!! D:" OTL Gross. Now my dad can't tell me I don't try new things -- even if it was an accident this time. xD

After Koreana, Jose wanted to go to a club but he first had to drop off Jeremy. Nailah had to go home too. Neither of them had their IDs on them and Jeremy was too young to go anyway. So Amera, Pat, Jasmine and I waited for Kevin to finally show up~! I was glad he was able to make it since we never got to hangout with him. D: Eventually everyone else showed up at the club after dropping off the others. :D

If you're curious as to what's going on here... Well, Sharun got too worked up/excited and grabbed Pat and I and I hit my eye with Pat's shoulder. (._.) My vision went white for a second but nothing serious came out of it. My eye is still sore though. D: It hasn't left a noticeable impression on my eye, so there's no need for GOBUYSOMEMAKEUPTOCOVERITUP. xD Accidents happen!

The music was okay, I guess. I wish it had hardstyle or better techno/house music. DX

Somehow, I'm back into Harvest Moon. It's an ever-lasting obsession that comes and goes. I spend at least 3 hours a day on it now. (-_-) WASTING TIME LIKE A CHAMP.

I've started reading Red Badge of Courage and I need to finish it before Tuesday. D: I have about 70 pages to go, so I'll survive. My Biology class is...pretty tough. My professor goes through things pretty fast so it's hard to keep up. I have to go to some Academics center to go get his slideshow on my flashdrive to study properly. :| I'm still trying to get into the swing of college again but it's hard. (;w;) I'm just lazy~

college, special occasions

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