"Pull yourself up Leon, you're too buff to die."

Jan 14, 2011 01:36


I'm not really sure what possessed me to do this, but I decided to make another blog. Thing is that this is only for my doodling. Here~~~!!! I really want something for all of my work and looking at my progress. Let's see how this works out. xD If anyone has one, please let me know and post the link. ♥

Speaking of art, I was browsing DA because I always find something good there. ♥ If you like mythology or cute art, read MYTHOLOL.

image Click to view

I've been...everywhere. OTL I'm so bored! It's like I'm avoiding drawing -- which is awful!

Last night was so much fun~ even though we didn't really do much. Nailah, Sharun and I met up at my house, sat around for an hour figuring out what to do then we went to Sharun's house to play Rock Band until 8-ish. Then we went to the mall, walked around, and I bought this cute charm frm Hot Topic (It was like $1.79 or something!) because they were going out of business. The clerk was a fucking bitch though. She gave me such a nasty attitude that I was going to call her a cunt, but I held back. Filthy-looking mall rat-looking employee. D< I asked her the price of the charm AFTER I get the 75% off and she just stared at me then looked away.

Uugghhhh, who pissed in her Cocoa Puffs?! dalksjnhfaskj BITCH.

Afterwards we went to Buffalo Wild Wings since iHOP was closed early...for some reason.

Oh yeah, we went to the pet store. :D :D :D

Anyway, I got home a few hours ago (like late 10 or 11?) aaaand here I am.

My stitches are poking out of my gums and it huuurts. (;A;)

art, friends, youtube, incoherent entry, lawlz, shopping, wtf

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