May 05, 2010 17:51
Poll What video to recreate?
There are wayyy too many videos I want to recreate. Knowing me, and the pace I work at, I'll probably do Smooooch. I don't know what to do, but I have to get started quickly because if I don't...I'm fucked. The animation has to be at least 1 minute long, and I don't know what the fuck to doooo. We're using an animation program called Pencil .4 and the program is pretty shitty. D: WHATTODOOOOO!?
I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO A COLLEGE! That I don't even remember applying to. I applied to New Paltz and Queens but I was accepted to the Liberal Arts and Science program at Queensborough Community College. (o_o) I don't know if I want to go for sure, and if I do, I wonder...if there's education program? XD
Too many people are selling Student Faculty Challenge tickets. D: Scaryyyy. Why? Because THEY ALL want you to buy from them. D:
The Gettysburg trip was canceled because only 20 people brought money in. D: So I had to pick up the $125. D: Depressing shit.
I've been on edge lately. I have that APE exam tomorrow and I want to get to the school around 6:30 AM to get that free breakfast. NEVER TURN DOWN FREE FOOD. :D I'm not psyched for the exam at all. I'll be there from first period (7 AM) to maybe 8th (about 12PM?) period. I've read too many books and I can only remember the ones we did for 12th grade and maybe one or two from before then. I feel like I'm going to use Huck Finn... Such a boring book. Man...I really hate it when people think they got it hard when it comes to school. Why don't you take hard courses, apply yourself and worry over classes that may just prevent you from graduating? Then you have something to stress over. Fucktards.
Not only have I been on edge, but there are people I've just been ignoring lately. Mostly people who have gotten on my nerves more than anyone really should. :/ These people just....gah!
Yesterday was so much fun. (*A*) Having someone to play PS3 (and doesn't suck) is gloriouuuus. I can't wait for next Tuesday. :D :D :D
WMM is so...fucking...annoying. I tried making a 7 min long video to Hatsune Miku's Over16bit! but...the song keeps disappearing at the end. D: I don't know whyyy. I've deleted the song then put it back on and save but it didn't work. D: I'm still trying to figure it out. "OTL
I feel like drawing...