"Wow. That was a minor inconvienience."

Mar 05, 2010 19:32

Yeaaah, I didn't want either photo to go to waste. xD

Ehem! Of course I was rejected from New Paltz. :/ This does a lot of good for my self-esteem. My dad wasn't too helpful in the subject of this so now I feel even worse about the rejection. Thanks dad, and you tell me you love me.

Now I feel like an idiot who will never make it. Good job!

Sooo I was supposed to go to the movies today with a lot of people and the plans fell apart the second Jess couldn't go. AHAHAHAHAAAAA. I didn't really want to go anyway because I had no intentions on wasting $10 (or however high the prices are for movies now) on The Crazies when I can get it on bootleeeeeeg. xD

And I noticed I had 200+ deviantions of my DA. That's ridiculous. xD I didn't think I submitted that much to DA. Well, it's mostly crap. I should get to cleaning out utter crap or "putting in the vault." I saw a few of those on my Favorites gallery. I was like "What in the hell..?" since I had no idea that was even possibly for DA. I take it that only subscribed users are able to do that. It's strange to have a subscribed DA account. I dunno, that's what I think.

I noticed prom is like...approximately a month away and I don't have a dress or a solid idea of what I'm doing on prom. I don't think neither of my killjoy-best friends are going, so I honestly am lost. I just know where I don't want to be. It looks like I'm almost very sure that I'll be spending that night with Marley and some other people -- but honestly, I don't think I'd want to party. I hate partying (dancing and all that shit) to no explainable end so going out to a club would be pointless for me. I might actually spend prom with them and possibly sleepover or spend the night with Sharadia and Jess. Honestly, that's my idea of a good time. It's not hard to have a good time when you have amazing best friends. ♥ (*A*)

Oh great, I didn't go to the bank today like I was supposed. I need to take out at least $50 for tennis equipment since I'm going to start playing with Donna (Thurs) and Jess (Fri). D: D: D: Effffff.


During POE (the period I took the pictures~), I......recorded myself doing the parapara...danjo! O: I'll put it up when I edit in the music.


The Balls Meme.

The Meme.

How old are you? 17
Gender? Batman
Gender preference? None (how is this even relevant?)

Your honest, balls-to-the-wall opinion on:

The whole...anthropomorphic characters is cute and all, but I'll pass on the pr0nz that fandom spits out.

For the most part, I've seen many obnoxious, bitchy, TEAMEDWARD/TEAML, BS to really stomach any more of it. Fangirls, to me, is a silly name because it makes me think of an obnoxious little girl who swoons over characters that they claim they're married to. Fuck them, they ruin everything.

Annoying, just like fangirls.

I'm downnnnn but only so farrr. Some of it is effin' ridiculous! I know the petite uke is "ideal" for Jap yaoi doujins and such, but really? That's very overdone. Buffed men (and when I type "buff" I mean WAYTOOMUSCLEYTOEVENHAVEANECK kind of buff) scare me. They scare me in and outside of my fandom. 8| It's not wrong to have a little shape, boys. :|

Critique, regardless of art form or genre.
I love being and giving critique. Also, there is a very THICK line between constructive criticism and FLAMING just to FLAME.

Manga-style illustration.<./b>
Eh, it's ok. I'd like to be able to say I can draw like that, but I want to do that for a lot of styles of drawing, no matter how redundant they are.

Manga-style illustration with a Western influence.
It remind me of the generic brands in stores. Like, the generic brand of Coke is Cola, y/n? It makes me laugh, basically.

Rap music.
No thank you. Seriously.

Mainstream pop music.
Ok, I draw way too many lines for this. I don't care for the mainstream BS because the word itself disinterests me. I care for the actual music and it's sound and lyrics. So if I like how it sounds, then I'll listen to it.

Alright what the fuck is wrong with these girls? Announcing themselves as "girl gamers" is already a big turn-off. You are a GAMER. Being a chick has nothing to do with gaming, nor is it even necessary information SO STOP SHARING YOUR GENDER WITH PEOPLE. It sounds like you're trying to get attention from dudes or just people in general. HEY, I BROKE THE GAMERS-ARE-ONLY-MEN STEREOTYPE. ISOCOOL. Yeah shut the fuck up.

Women in general.
The stereotype of a helpless, pathetic, skinny, whiney little bitch of a woman angers me to the point....of hell knows where. And when they want to be equal to men!? Oi vey, that really pisses me off because most of the time, they want to be treated equally but then whine about something else relevant to this so called equality they so desparately want.

Men in general.
Obnoxious for the most part. They could be cool when they're not thinking with their dick and trying to get into your panties just because you're suddenly friends. It's funny that they're prone to thinking they're the most amazing spec of human life put on Earth when in reality they're just as uninteresting as paint drying.

World Politics.
I don't know a lot about it but I'm forced to get into it and the economy. I generally don't care for it but I'm constantly told that it's very important I learn about this stuff. :/ One of the reasons I don't want to grow up.

American politicians, especially George W. Bush.
Why are you bringing up Bush? There are just as dumb presidents as he and they're not brought up as much as Bush is. Or Obama, to bring you into today's politics. The run for presidency is so disgusting that I just don't want to be a part of it. They malign each other with stupid commercials and shit that seriously, if you think digging up dirt on your opponent is the way you'll win, you shouldn't be running for president at all.

I love it, to be honest. Some of the art there is amazing and I truly hope to be one of those people who have their artstyle together and are admired because of it. It's a great place for critiques but there's a lot of redundant shit on there. Unfortunately, I'm carefully treading the redundancy because I, yet again, want to explore ALL styles of drawing and find (or make) one that fits my preferences.

Gay folks, whether we're talking boy-on-boy or girl-on-girl.
What about them? I think they're okay but they're not al amazing. Being gay doesn't mean you're awesome, it just means you're not interested in the opposite sex. How does that make you awesome? And they really need to be left alone because being gay doesn't mean you shouldn't have equal rights to heterosexuals nor does it mean you're JUST SO OBSESSED with every person who is the same sex as you. I fucking hate when people think just because this one person's gay, means that they like EVERYONE who is the same sex as them. They're not desparate and to be desparate like that, you don't have to be gay.

You're just confused. I'm bisexual, because I honestly cannot decide on whether or not a dude or girl is the best choice for me. I'd rather have a guy, to be honest because a girl is just as much as a pain in the ass as a dude is, so I really don't win. The sex is the only thing that would be different and the arguments would be more intense because apparently women are walking emotional cunts. This I do not agree with in the least.

I feel bad for Japan because there's so many annoying, saliva-choking fags that think it's an amazing place. To tell you the truth: IT'S NOT. THERE IS NO AMAZING, WONDERFUL, MAGICAL COUNTRY. You're supposed to like something because you have interest in ALL or MOST of what it has to offer, not because they spew out colorful, shiney anime. Anime isn't even all that popular in Japan, from what I know. So it's funny how we want what they have, and they want what we have. Same goes for any other country. So stop praising China, Korea, England or whatever the fuck you're drooling over because I'm 100% sure it's as fucked up as the place you're living in right now.

Pedophiles and Pedophilia.
Shota? Yes. Loli? I suppose. But in my news? Stop trolling.

The Internet Male/Internet Tough Guy.
I've never encountered one, so I can't say anything.

They suck now. I used to roleplay when I was younger but I stopped when I was in...7th or 8th grade. I find no interest in it now. :/

...I hate it. I've ALWAYS hated it. I have no idea WHY I even got one in the first place. I had it when it wasn't even popular and I hated it. Now FB is the new Myspace, but at least it's harder to whore there.

Straight Edge.
...I don't like those kiddies when they're flaunting it. If you don't want any part of drinking, sex, drugs and all that stuff, good for you. But to go around saying "I'M STRAITEDGEEEEE33," you need to take your electric tape and wrap it around your head about 75,000 types.

The sex industry.
Hilarious to the very last credit. That is all.

Not really into it anymore because I have no time for it. If it's a short series, I'll watch it, but generally it's just annoying. It's hard for me to get into any anime, so I just stay away from it until I see something I like.

Possibly one of the most hilarious and awesome places to live. I mean, where else can you go and see the fucked up country we live in?! It's great. I love it here, but I'm sure I'd like to live somewhere else for the experience. People who trash-talk America AND live in America need to get out ASAP. You, somehow, are able to live here, then why don't your ass up and move?

Tag one other person:
Anyone and everyone? :D

I told you. Didn't I tell you? I totally did.
Yeah sure.

Day 09 → A photo you took

Urban 02 by ~Tangled-In-Chains on deviantART

Day 01 → Your favourite song
Well, I really have no favorite so I'll just leave this here:

image Click to view

Day 02 → Your favourite movie
No such thing as a "favorite" ____ with me, so I'll tell you about one I really enjoyed.

Dark Water; Watch it here~! (that site has tons of Asian horror movies. Feel free to look at it~)
This movie, honestly, made me cry. I can't believe a movie (other than The Boy in the Stripe Pajamas) made me CRY. And those weren't LOLTHAT'SSOFUNNY tears. Those were ohmygodowmyheartttt tears. (;A;) Maybe I seem overexaggerating but seriously, I cried because I put myself in the same position as the little girl. :/ Depressing movie is muy depressing. DX

Day 03 → Your favourite television programme

Gaki no Tsuaki
Hilarious Japanese show. They do batsu games (punishment games), cooking games, and all sorts of other hilarious hilarity. xD I love this show. I want to buy DVDs of it but noooo~ I never have money for these sort of things.

Day 04 → Your favourite book
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I really like this book. ♥ One of my very top favorites. It's about an older man falling in love with a younger girl (what, like, 14? I can't remember if the age was said or not). There is also a movie on this book. (*A*) I saw it a looong time ago at 1AM but it was too long to finish and I was already very tired. D:

Day 05 → Your favourite quote
"You have to open the washing machine by playing Beethoven's Fifth, get the key to the box on the table in the kitchen with the hair inside that goes down the plug to get a hanger which straightens into a lock-picking device."

Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy

GOOD GOD. I remember this~ Good stuffff. xD

Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy

FFFFF This counts as a photo.

Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad

Rain by ~bramLeech on deviantART
I didn't have a photo so I chose a painting. xD

Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A non-fictional book
Day 15 → A fanfic
Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Ho'kay so I really don't have anything else to do or write about....and I want to go to sleep but it's too early and my stomach is STILL full from eating at like...3PM. D: I guess I'll go edit the Danjo video.

school, fuck, meme

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