I just went to get two more elephants after work. 165 Untitled inside Southerby's in New Bond Street, and then 152 Frank near Oxford Circus.
Then I thought as it was a nice evening to catch a bus along the north side of Hyde Park see if Dasies was back in Notting Hill (she wasn't). But that route goes past Selfridges so I popped in to see how 135 Gerald* is. And then further along it goes past Leinster Gardens, so I got off again to find the Hempel which having looked at a map I now knew to be in Craven Hill Gardens, which isn't obvious from the elephant location map and isn't to be confused with Craven Hill Gardens or Craven Hill Gardens, for 111 Mother Nature, 4 Strawberry, and 36 Chestnut (while trying not to crash the private party in the gardens too much).
130 Celebrating the International Year of Biodiversity has now joined Seymour on the lawn outside the Natural History Museum, but since it was closed when I got there I didn't get a closeup picture.
*I asked the nice young lady at the Elephant Shop if Gerald was back in the store or was he still off sick. She replied 'Oh I'm Sorry, Gerald isn't coming back here. I'm not sure where he might be going'. I expect that means he won't be seen again until the elephant parade at the end of the month at the Royal Hospital.
Total 250 (of 258).