Long time, no talk!
I haven't been in a fic writing place as of late (read: the last year and a half or so, ugh), BUT, I recently signed up for [Bad username: svmadelyn.livejournal.com]'s Hockey RPF Holiday Exchange (oh, how some of you laughed when I fell into this fandom, because I once made grossed out "ew" faces at the prospect, exclaiming, "But you have you ever SMELLED a guy who just stripped off hockey gear? That's not hot!") in order to challenge that fic writing blockage a bit, and I wrote something!
semantic shiftPairing: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,852
Summary: “He asked what some of the words meant, on the signs, what they yell. I told him. He’s a fan of Princess Sidney, especially.”
And I got a wonderful, delightful story in return!
aohatsuPairing: always-a-girl!Jonathan Toews/Patrick Kane
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 16,860
Summary: Jo sleeps with Kaner for the second time when she’s twenty-one and gets drunk off her ass in a bar in Vancouver.
This fic, y'all. IT'S SO GOOD. The perfect AU, where the pieces of who they are fit together incredibly well in spite of (because of?) the changes. It basically contains all of my favorite things - friendship, trust kink, team bonding, intimate, awesome sex, and lovely characterization for both Kaner and Jo. <333333