I have hobby schizophrenia

Jun 02, 2009 19:28

I'm still here, reading your blogs-- just not posting on mine. :) Haven't got a whole lot to say these days.

My hobbies range from reading, video gaming, painting, programming, and all in between. Currently I'm fighting with the urge to play games, read more from my Honor Harrington book, continue painting my dreadnought (and then every other tank and Space Marine I own), work on one of my myriad programming projects, or try to come up with a nice site design for a website I'm putting together for my dad. Except that my artistic design skills are currently hiding in a deep pit, so I think I'd fail at that last one.

I also need a good icon for my time calculator program. It's a program I made to do math on hours and minutes because I got sick and tired of figuring out how much time was between two random times (e.g. number of hours worked when I started at 10:31 and stopped at 4:13). And it converts those times to decimal as well so I can figure out how much money I made. So if you any of you have any good suggestions for an icon, I'm all ears.

In other random news, I was able to play Mirror's Edge. Fun game, very entertaining, but very short-- on the order of the length of Portal. I would not pay full price for it, and the $20 that it's currently going for on Steam is probably a bit much as well.

Dreadnought pictures later after I finish painting it.

life in general, programming, hobbies

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