Rather disgusted

Nov 21, 2008 17:48

I've avoided saying much on this subject as it is very controversial and liable to spark various debates. At any rate, I've had enough of this particular issue, and I can't sit idly by any longer without saying anything.

Regardless of your opinion on Proposition 8 (for or against), I don't think it factors in to the issue I have. Over the past several weeks I've been hearing a lot about large protests that have been staged outside churches (not just LDS churches, but Catholic, and several others), and even a few mob-like attacks on buildings and people that are members of these churches. This is wrong. I don't care if you don't agree with the particular church or their standpoint on this issue. Don't be a member of their church, don't go to their stuff, etc. You do not go to the church and try to force them to change their beliefs in order to fit your perceived notion of right and wrong. A church has a duty, an obligation to preach what they believe to be right according to their beliefs, and they are responsible and accountable to their deity or whatever power they worship, or however it be with their faith, to speak out against things that they see as wrong.

I can't believe that people find it acceptable to try to force religions to change their doctrine in order to make it coincide with what they believe is acceptable. The truth of the matter is, people don't like to hear from others that what they are doing may be wrong, they usually want everyone to be okay with it. Just because society accepts something as good or okay doesn't mean it's right, and just because you can scream louder than anyone around you doesn't mean people have to do what you want, or change their minds to think that you're doing something that's good.

I respect those from both sides of the argument that want to have a respectable, polite debate. Even after I'm so disgusted to see people that will stoop to violent and militant behavior to make their ways accepted by those that don't agree with them, I'm heartened to see that there are quite a few of the same party who eschew such behavior.

If you want to try persuade the people on the other side of the fence-- great, that's fine, that's your right, and I hope you don't have any difficulty in exercising it. But don't go and harass the churches-- they have a duty, as already mentioned, and a right just as you do, to express their opinion and beliefs on the matter. Don't go and call people closed-minded because you're standing outside their building and you don't agree with their beliefs. If you happen to think that's going to help either side of the argument, think again. Don't join in violent mob-like activities in order to try to force other people into thinking your opinion is more right than the one they currently hold-- that's the behavior of terrorists.

This entry is not to give a position on one side or the other of Proposition 8-- it is merely to speak out against what I see to be the reprehensible act of trying to force religions into changing their doctrine in order to fit your current lifestyle. It'll be a very sad day when we've forced every religion into agreeing that what we're currently doing is good and right rather than taking a look inside and deciding to try to make improvements to ourselves instead.


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