Bailout bill fails in the House

Sep 29, 2008 13:27

Well, I'd just like to say: I'm disgusted with Congress. Why? Because we're faced with a huge national economic crisis, and neither group can stop pointing fingers at the other one. I have to say, though, that out of all the people that have screwed up, there, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is really high up on my do-not-like list right now.

Why, why, why, why on Earth do you get out there and make a speech, right before this bill is going to be voted on, blaming the presidential administration for all of the problems we're facing? Is it true? Who knows (it's heavily disputed both ways), but I'll tell you what-- it's definitely not going to help the situation. Why could she have not kept her mouth shut for another hour or however long it takes to make the vote instead of being so all-fired set on laying blame?

Now, it was pretty dang petty of the Republicans to claim that they didn't vote for the bill because their feelings were hurt by Pelosi's idiotic speech, but I've also not been impressed with how the Democrats at the news conference come out and say "We were trying to do this bipartisan thing-- we were ready, but look!! It's all the Republicans' fault!!" Yeah, cause the finger-pointing is really helping the situation.

Give me a break! Why don't we just fire all of Congress and hire some 10 year-olds to do the job for us? They'd probably be able to get along better.

money, politics

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