Stock Market and other problems

Sep 26, 2008 10:57

Well, can I say that the current national financial situation is making me nervous? (See Washington Mutual bank failure.) (Has been making me nervous?) I've lost close to a fifth of what I put into the market. The only upside I'm seeing right now is that it's a retirement fund, so hopefully it will recover by the time it's needed. I could put more in right now and buy, hoping that the value starts to rise soon, but I'm a little bit nervous about putting more money into a market that's dropping so quickly-- at least, until things start to stabilize a bit.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that the political situation is a mess. I consider myself Republican, but I've not been terribly impressed by McCain or some of his actions. On the other hand, I haven't been terribly impressed by Obama, nor some of the things he's said that seem to imply he doesn't have much of a plan for all this "change" he keeps talking about.

Can we get a viable third party here, please?

(Also, I think the shuffled music selection that my winamp has chosen is appropriate.)

money, life in general, politics

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