Changes and things

Sep 03, 2008 11:14

Well, let's see what to update you with...

I recently heard that my assistantship was upgraded to a fellowship. That means that I get $3000 more in less time than I would have with the assistantship and I don't have to work for the department-- it's just free money. So I'm definitely happy about that. :D

In other news, we found a nerd hut up here in Logan! For any of you wondering what a nerd hut is, it's my name for a store that sells things like Warhammer, Palladium/Rifts, D&D, and/or comic books and things of that nature (e.g. Dragon's Keep, for you Provo people). It's a place called Phoenix Games over on Center street. It's not that big, but it's nice to have one. I was starting to feel disenfranchised with the lack of one in the area.

Also, I went ahead and created an avatar on Face Your Manga (see eremitick's entry), for any of you that are curious.

Also I'm going to be working on a project at the university called MASnet. It involves getting robots to work in a swarm to complete various tasks. This particular "swarm" that I'll be working with only includes 4 individual robots, but we're working on it. Anyway, I'm thinking that an interesting area of research would be to put sensors on the robots that can detect EM waves and use them to triangulate the source of a given signal. So, if someone were using a jammer or something, and you needed to find out where it was coming from, then you could just send them out and find where the signal is originating from. Or if someone were sending out a transmission, not necessarily jamming, but something else, and you needed to locate them, then you could do it with these robots. More info on that when it gets clearer.

So that's about it for now... Will update again later!

life in general, research

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