CS240-- the Webcrawler of DOOOM!!!

Feb 27, 2008 22:43

You know, the word "doom" just doesn't look right when capitalized anymore unless it has at least 3 'o's. >_> Anyway...

So after two hours or so of fighting with it, I have gotten VMWare installed on my machine, running Ubuntu 7.10, and KDevelop so I can do the CS240 Webcrawler. Most of that time was dealing with getting KDevelop tweaked so it would do the code formatting how I wanted it and use my makefile and already-created source code and things. I still haven't figured out how to make it maintain tabs when you hit the enter button, though... Anybody familiar with KDevelop/know how to make it do that? It's really irking me.

This is my first time using it, but I've been fairly impressed so far. It's probably about on par with Visual Studio 2005. VS doesn't do as well in some of the areas as KDevelop seems to, and likwise, KDevelop seems to have a couple holes that VS does all right with (keeping my tab level between lines for one).

So now my code compiles and says a wonderful "Hello!" Marvelous. Now I just have to actually start coding some stuff... But for that I think I'm going to need to look over my design and try to decide what I can code/test first and most autonomously.

At any rate, I'm nearly done for the night. It's approaching the time of no-concentration.

life in general, school

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