At the risk of sounding offensive

Feb 01, 2008 11:03

I'm sick and tired of ridiculous stereotypes. I'll be specific here: I'm sick and tired of people that go to BYU and spend time in the Provo area thinking that they are inherently better than everyone else around them. I'll go into other ridiculous stereotypes later. I see this most often in regards to people from other states referring to people from Utah. This is rapidly becoming one of my largest pet peeves.

The really sad thing, is that most of the problems here are caused by this mix of people from all over the country (and out of the country). I'm going to change my target of conversation here to anybody that might be reading this and happen to have these assumptions.

I'll deal with the seemingly most prevalent issue: Do you really think that it's just people from Utah that are causing all the problems with the traffic here? Do you really think that just because somebody has a Utah license plate that they're obviously from Utah and obviously a bad driver? Because I'll tell you what-- if that's the case, I'm very, very disappointed with the apparent lack of cognitive ability you show.

Have you even ever been to other parts of the state for any length of time? Perhaps you've noticed, then, if you have, that the situation seems to get better when you get farther away from Provo. I wonder if that's because you get less crazy college students with cars?

How can you honestly think that you are a better person than anyone from Utah (or anywhere else for that matter) if you are harboring this idea? How can you honestly consider yourself a tolerant, open-minded person? The fact of the matter is, you aren't any better than any other person, and if you continue to think and act like you are, you will rapidly lose my respect.

I get sick and tired of the self-righteous, self-important attitude that's exuded on this subject, and for no other reason than to try to make yourself feel like you're better than the people around you. Well, get over yourself, cause if that's the way you think, there's not a lot there anyway.

This applies just as well to people from Utah who think themselves better than people from out of state for no apparent reason-- you can go boil your heads as well.

And as a matter of fact, if that is your opinion-- or at least you voice it as such, I hope this was offensive because maybe it will make you think a little bit.


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