That letter to Santa thing that's been going around

Nov 29, 2007 10:41

I didn't find a single entire letter that I liked, but I did like some of these other phrases the a lot:

"In August I invaded Iraq, broke it, and couldn't glue it back together before Mom got home (-1012 points)"

"In March I ruled Duluth, Minnesota as a kind and benevolent dictator (700 points)"

"In July I committed genocide... Sorry about that, bannanachild (-5000 points)"

"In January I ruled Duluth, Minnesota as a kind and benevolent dictator (700 points). Last week I ruled Canada as a cruel and heartless dictator (-700 points)."

"Last month I had a shoot-out with rival gang lords on the 5 near LA (-76 points)"

"In October I turned shadows_of_fire in for tearing the tag off a mattress (3 points)"


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