Been messing around

Nov 25, 2007 22:48

So I've been messing around with a font-creation program that I found on the net. I only have a trial version right now, so I've been trying to get the work done on this font I've been wanting to create for a while.

A few years ago I came up with a sort of cypher-- an alphabet that has rune-like appearances, and I really liked it. Anyway, I got most of it into the computer a few months ago as Photoshop brushes and just barely got it finished in this font program. Here's a sample, if you're interested:

What do you think?

There are a few discrepancies-- all of the letters in a word are supposed to link with the letters before and after it. It was somewhat difficult to get those to happen exactly. I may go back and try to fix that before my trial runs out. :D This was made in Photoshop, however, and it does look better in Word. *sigh* Oh well.

For fun (and as a challenge), if you want, try to decode it. I'll give you two hints: there are no punctuation symbols, and the text is all English. That should be enough for you. ;) Post your answers and I'll tell you if it was right or not.

Edit: Something that might reduce the complication in the letters that I forgot to mention: Every letter begins with a point on the top line (if you imagine a line running horizontally across the top of all letters in a given line) on the left side. Each letter also ends with a point on the top line on the right side. The point on the top right of a letter will connect with the point on the top left with any letters to its right.

Most of the top left points start lines that go diagonally down to the right, while most of the top right points end lines that come diagonally up to the right from the bottom line (or at least from below).

life in general, random, hobbies

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