Week 1 - findyourwords

Jan 09, 2009 22:10

37 / 40,000

So, so not where I wanted to be, but I did get 260 words of rough outlining down today so it's another start. If I can get two good days of writing in this week I should be back on track, just very disappointing that the first week was almost a total wash. I usually start strong and then taper off.

Not gonna let it drag me down though, as everyone says, it's gonna take time to get the hang of writing again.

I've changed my mind and decided to try and post weekly results on Thursdays, since that is when the comm is collecting them. It just makes more sense to follow the comm.

Still not sure how much I want to talk about what I am writing, still not sure if it will be shared past a select few if/when it gets to a reasonable size. And I will more than likely also be trying to get some progress on some other WIP's/ideas I've been kicking around for a while...but right now I must say, I am still finding Matthew Gray Gubler and Nicki Aycox really hot...lol

Also? Semagic is really pissing me off right now with the whole backdating thing, I have both my backdated entries marked as out of order and it still won't let me post! GRRR!


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