Jan 27, 2006 09:24
So I might as well do this... I stole this from Kelly. Happy (BELATED :() Birthday, by the way! I'm lame.
When you first attended college, where did you live?
North, the only all female dorm at the time (no longer the case). It was kind of lame but I made some good friends there.
Who were your roommates?
Freshman Year: Heather Pollen
Sophomore Year: Tasha Dunson
Junior Year: Ugh, the evil triple where no one got along 100% with Anna Dechtiaruk and the evil one. The place where my self esteem shot from a slightly below average place straight down to negative a billion. Oh and because of the shit roommate, I became an alcoholic. All in all, a productive year.
Senior: Zeta House, Room # 3 with Hasert!
Do you still talk to them?
Heather, no. Tasha, when I can catch up with her. Anna, sometimes when I see she's online. Toolie-Beth, I mean Julie-Beth, no chance in hell. And Hasert, definitely...not as much as I should though. :(
Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
The R.A. came in once my freshman year but we lied and said only the 21 and above were drinking and she bought it. Not sophomore year because my big was my R.A., though we probably should have gotten in a ton of trouble. And junior year I don't think I was around enough to get into trouble in the dorms. And senior year I live with my R.A.!
Something you remember when you lived on campus?
Those awful smelling berries. Squirrels. And the Zetas being everywhere.
Your campus phone number?
I couldn't remember it when I lived there.
First party attended?
Sig Ep or the Warehouse.
First Bar you got wasted at?
First person you kissed in college?
I was really trashed and I can't remember his name right now.
Favorite Pizza Place in town?
Favorite Diner?
4 Seasons?
Did you go to the library? What Floor were you always on?
I worked there for a couple years...in the dungeons (aka Media Center).
Club, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined?
Um, ZTA, APO, yearbook, PRSSA, Sterling Communications. I think thats it...but really I was only very involved in ZTA and APO until the tools (in APO) took over and I quit.
Where did you buy your books?
The only overpriced place there was...the bookstore.
Did you ever steal anything on campus?
I don't think so unless you count food from the caf.
Who made the best wings?
I don't think I ate wings in college.
Favorite Bar?
I think Bots...or anywhere I could get cheap beer.
Favorite alcoholic beverage?
Now? Margaritas...then...cheeapness.
Ever attend a sporting event?
Nope. No, I went to half a soccer game once.
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
Just the ones in Weber.
Did you move off campus, when and where?
Who were your first off-campus roommates?
I just said no!
Do you still talk to them?
They don't exist...so no.
Have you ever spent the night on campus not in a dorm hall?
Not that I can remember.
Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go?
Everynight I had company. Usually Bots, off campus and the frats on campus.
Happy hour, where did you go?
I think we went to Applebees once.
Worst bar you ever went to?
Depends on the night.
Favorite Deli, for sandwiches?
Are there delis in Selinsgrove?
Where did you get coffee?
Favorite year of St. Pattys day?
I don't know if I ever did anything crazy on St. Pattys day.
Favorite Year of Halloween?
That would also be a tough one. I have no idea, its been so long.
Did you have a Valentine any year?
Sadly, no.
Go see a play or been in one?
I was never in one...but I went to see the musicals and stuff...I had some artsy friends. My favorite was probably Chicago though.
Did you ever have a job?
Worked at the Media Center for 2 years and The Multicultural Center for a semester.
What do you hate about your school?
Those damn ginko berries. And the smallness started to get to me at the end.
What did you love most about it?
The great friends that I met.
Ever leave with a group of friends on a road trip, where?
We went to Pittsburgh for Mindy's mom's funeral once. Does that count?
Ever ditch your friends at a bar?
Where would you believe is the best location to live?
I liked the Zeta house. But I always wanted to live in Liberty Alley.
Favorite Professor?
Ever go to the Emergency Room?
Graduated or still attending?
Graduated like a million years ago.
Year of graduation?
Will you go back?
I would like to get my masters in something.
How many parking tickets have you gotten?
Finally, ever gotten arrested?