Jun 16, 2010 23:44
i know i'm not an easy person to handle. i demand a lot from my friends and i can be really intense... not a lot of people have been able to stick with me through the years so it's kinda amazing that i have such amazing bffs still!!!
when i was 12, i discovered this notebook in which 5 out of my 6 friends in my clique had been writing bad things about me... like how they wished i'd fall down the staircase and that sort of horrible stuff
when i was 15 and went to OBS and discovered two friends who previously had nothing to do with each other (one of whom kept eating my rice and the other who made me feel better about having a rotten kayaking partner) and then we went back to school and although we had sat very far apart from each other before, we pulled our desks together at the back of the classroom and i discovered another friend whom i never would have thought i'd be bffs with
when i was 17 and dee told me it was too much for her to have me as a single best friend because she had never had a single best friend and while we got on so well, she felt that the friendship had become like a sort of commitment
and then afterwards she said something to me which i'll never forget, which is
you're a really lucky girl. you always seem to get what you want.
in a really non-spiteful, matter-of-fact and cheerful way and it really made me understand exactly how goal-oriented i can be
and then clare became my best friend but then her bf resented that she spent so much time with me and banned her from being my best friend -_-
and then like some miracle, just like the Nerks, cand and krist transferred into my class and while cand and me got on crazy well with each other, i disliked krist at first, but hey what do you know look where we are now!
when i was 20 and went to korea for exchange, and i always wanted to plan trips properly and i hated it when things didn't go according to plan and a great friend named milky turned to me one day and said
liyana, you need to relax. you can't spend your whole life worrying or stressing out.
when honestly she prolly just really wanted to strangle me and then she told me frankly that even though i was 2 years younger, my black face could scare the shit out of ppl and that i needed to stop taking life so seriously
when i was 21, and i acted in Almost Left Behind, and had prolly spent the whole time feeling awkward and lost about myself, but after that i became better friends with liting and kai and i saw that i had totally lost track of what i wanted to be and i could talk to people who really truly understood exactly what theatre meant to me because it meant the same thing to them
amazing! i have been so blessed. how did i get such awesome friends who will tahan my obsessive, sometimes needy, intense and bossy personality?!?!??!?!?!?!