
Oct 22, 2007 09:12

So I've been one week on going off of Chapstick cold turkey.

And that really doesn't sound all that bad, but you try it. Go three days. I dare you. Because my lips were so chapped, it looked like I was wearing white lipstick. On the fourth day, they tore and bled every time I smiled. Day 5, my bottom lip had become one huge callous. I feel like a monster!! This is the first day that I can smile and stretch my lips out, and it feels fantastic.

All it takes is a week, phew....and a long one at that, and you too can be free of the tyranny of Chapstick.

Every time I write that all I can think of is the Mothman saying, "Chaaaapstiiiiiiiick." XDD That one's for you GG.

Got my little red FEMALE Crested in yesterday.....although...she has a bulge. -_- So that's one less female to breed with. Damnit. The next time I buy reps, I'm making the breeders send pics of their junk. I'm not really mad at the breeder though, he was this high school kid from Georgia. And he sent me a hand written letter in the box.

And I SHOULD be getting the two Creme adults in this morning, even though the guy decided to ask me for $17 more for the shipping. Bastard better have sent them. I want to have a reason for waking up this early damnit.

Oh, Headless Horseman ROCKS!! He's so much fun, goodness. Anybody got any cute names for a Tauren female? I'm totally at a loss....><

And Rufie needs to get out from behind my computer screen. That is so distracting. *^^;;;

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