Jan 14, 2008 10:56
I really had a Sims 2 weekend for real. I played alot while the kids were down for nap, while they were watching Elmo and Dora, and while they went to sleep. I guess I was having withdrawals, lol. I got a new hack that allows sims to have triplets and quad births! It is awesome. Twins are regular in my game, but 3 and four is so cool. Less pregnancies if they want like 6 kids (and some do!) I had one family that wanted 10 kids, well, she had 8 single births, and was with her last pregnancy that she could have before turning elder, all I had to do was adjust her likeness of having twins (which I am surprised didn't ever happen naturally b/c her mom had 2 sets while having her 10 kids) and pop she had twins!! Fulfilled her and the hubby's wants, and they are platinum status for now. I played yesterday my first set of quads. They are crazy, too many babies, but I had them move in a family friend for a live in nanny. I managed them to turn into kids on good terms accept one. He was just an all around cranky toddler, his needs dropped faster than the rest, just unhappy, lol. He is the nerd of the bunch too, so we'll see how he turns out, hopefully the others don't pick on him so bad.
It was fun, but back to the work week, wedding stuff, and homework. My diet has been going good in terms of not snacking all day and such. Working out in the morning has been a real handicap, I just can't seem to get up. And since we switched the kids out of daycare and to Kelly's house, Tj has been taking them before he goes to work, so I haven't had to get up as early to get ready. But, still, I should get up and work out. I have been doing it at night before dinner, and it just doesn't feel like a morning work out, I am overly exhausted by the time the hour is up and just don't feel like doing much else at night, which is not good for my housework, lol.
sims 2,