A spot of guest-blogging and more

Sep 10, 2009 19:59

I know I've been a bit quiet of late but it's just totally crazy at the moment. And, I must admit that I've been a touch emo this past week because of, well... personal stuff I won't air in public save to say it's been resolved.

Camdeboo Nights has finally been finished and sent off to my agent with (I hope) a decent short synopsis and a much better author bio because so much has happened in this past year. I mean, I actually have some publishing creds to attach to my query letter.

As for the rest, I'm focusing on polishing The Dead of Night for submission to my editor now that Khepera Rising is well on its way. Gotta give the dear woman some more stress on top of her existing stress, can't I?

That being said, I'm in exactly the same boat myself. I've got more than enough copy editing to last me into next year and then some. My only regret is that I still have a demanding day-job because I'd like nothing more than to copy edit for a living. Seeing a novel take shape and working with another author to perfect their art is... It just makes me really warm and fuzzy.

So, ja... Without further ado, here's the link to a spot of guest-blogging I'm doing over at my friend Savannah's. I give a basic overview of KR's major themes and speak a little about the novel.


And... For assorted reasons I'm thinking of that elusive bachelors of arts degree my parents couldn't afford when I was still at school. Unisa's Bachelors of Arts: Languages and Literature, is looking ever so tempting. First things first, however, is saving up for my own Macbook. Then I can start thinking about further tertiary education.

writing, blogging, dreams

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