Jul 11, 2009 09:03
No. This is not a B-grade horror movie. It's my life and it may as well be a B-grade horror movie for the lack of sleep I'm experiencing. I'm in the middle of the weekend from hell. I've copy edits for LPI coming out of my ears, I've two birthday parties to attend this evening and tomorrow I'm going to be standing around with a clipboard looking important at Thomas's photoshoot.
All I'll say about the latter is that we're going to be suspending about nine people from a variety of meat hooks. Last night we were up until after midnight hanging the block and tackle from the rafters, setting up the scaffolding so that we could do that, then playing with lighting trying to get the right angles.
All in a day's work for a fantasy/horror author, right? Part of me wishes I could head back to bed and turn off the sun just for a few more hours' sleep.
I've had my first cup of coffee, have sorted out editing admin, still have to handle poo patrol and pick up happy birthday gifts at the Maul . . . thank goodness my cleaning lady is here. I don't know what I'd do without Phindi. She is an angel.
Send out good vibes, people. I need it this weekend 'cos I don't think I've got enough juice in this machine to keep going.