Oct 15, 2004 23:09
I'm not so good at planning out my thoughts, ordering them, putting them down on paper. You're going to get a headful as I free associate my face off. I'm listening to APC right now, Pet. I really like this song and I don't know why. This month so far has been pretty shitty. I don't really know why. I've been down a lot. A lot of depressing thoughts. A lot of talking without thinking. I don't know how to talk. I was never really given the capacity to speak with my brain. Right now I'm kind of cold, sitting in my room, somewhat sad, somewhat careless, all me. I have so many causes to fight for, so many things to do. I don't really know where to begin. It's hard to be organized when youre enemy is organization. I love Kim, with all my heart and all my soul. I love Kim with everything that will allow me to love her. There is however, a part of my mind that questions with a burning intensity all that is good. It had become a troubling source of a paranoia when I am without her. I am constantly afraid of even the slightest infraction of honesty or faithfulness. I have too many double standards. But once again, I think this is what I think, but I don't know how to speak to convey my thoughts. No diction at all. I'm a dic-- A dictionless fool... Wow that was lame. Kind of like the song. Anyways, I'm pretty tired and I have to get up in like 6 hours. I'm sorry I have nothing of any real worth to write here, Maybe tomorrow, Goodnight.