May 29, 2009 16:49
wow...just did my first workout on the EA Sports Active for the wii...having the wii Fit board helps (but is not required) and has some fun exercises. 18 minutes it took me to do the entire thing (Day 1 of the 30 day challenge...on the LIGHTEST setting) and I'm sweating like I've been out gardening for an hour in 80 degree weather. (Don't let that scare you, I actually ENJOYED it. And if you can't keep up with it, then you just do your best. It tries giving you tips/hints, but keep with it and they'll keep motivating you.
The 30 day challenge (as I'm seeing it) is basically a complete at least 1 workout everyday for 30 days. I know that since I spend some weekends away from home, I won't be able to do the full 30 days, but it'll be fun to see how many I do.
Right now I'm thinking this just might continue to do a part of my daily routine, but give me at least a week or so with it to make sure I still feel that way. HAHA
so far, the most fun exercise for me is the side leg lifts. Instead of just saying "do it this way, follow me, good, blah blah blah..." They have you crouching like you're downhill inline skating, then to get you to do the side leg lift, you have to "lift your leg to avoid tripping over those hay bales!"
ea sports active