All the answers no one asked for

Mar 08, 2012 12:41

As anyone who has been paying attention to my lj of late will have noticed, I am now hooked on Gossip Girl. THIS IS ALL surreallis's FAULT AND I CANNOT THANK HER ENOUGH. So, I'm going to do that thing again, where, instead of thinking of original stuff to say about my new obsession, I will answer questions from a meme that I didn't do.

Favourite character: Chuck Bass. Always and forever. I mean, I love Blair, and I usually like most of the other characters, but Chuck is always my favourite.

Least Favourite character: Jenny Humphrey. Again, I don't even have to think about this question. Of the characters who are still around, though, probably Dan or maybe Serena. Although I don't hate either of them with the kind of burning hatred I have for Jenny. Oh, and as for minor characters, we can all agree that Anne Archibald is made of EVIL, y/y?

5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Chuck/Blair × 5. It is all about Chuck and Blair for me; other pairings may come and go-often in the same episode-and I will happily go along for the ride, but Chuck/Blair is where it's at.

Character I find most attractive: Chuck. I don't know how much of this is because Ed Westwick is hotter than the surface of the sun, and how much is down to the eternal appeal of the Byronic hero, but Chuck is magnetic.

Character I would marry: None of them. I want to say Chuck, but the simple fact is that he would only ever be happy with Blair, and I am no Blair.

Character I would be best friends with: Eesh. Every single one of these characters would chew me up and spit me out in no time flat. I would like to be best friends with Chuck, though, because I think he really needs a friend who just accepts him for who he is, and doesn't automatically think the worst of him, or feel the need to try to change him. Also, when Chuck is your friend he is ALL IN. If you're in trouble, he will do whatever it takes to help you; you may not like what he does, and it may not be legal or moral or ethical, but HE WILL GET SHIT DONE. He has a short list of people he cares about, but if you're on that list, he will look after you.

A random thought: I'm surprised by how much I've come to like Nate. For the first few episodes, I found him duller than a very, very dull thing, but he's really grown on me. Nate and Serena as a couple are greater than the sum of their parts.

An unpopular opinion: My unashamed stanning of Chuck is probably unpopular in some circles, BUT I DON'T CARE. To be honest, I don't really know what's popular or unpopular in the fandom-side-effect of watching 4.5 seasons in 2 weeks.

Canon OTP: Chuck/Blair. Is this getting predictable yet?

Non-canon OTP: Are there any non-canon pairings left on this show?

Most badass character: This is probably a four-way tie among Chuck, Blair, Georgina, and Jack. Each of them has managed to get the better of the others on one or more occasions, and if they could ever all work together, I think the world would fall at their feet.

Pairing I am not a fan of: Dan/Blair. I've said elsewhere that I wouldn't have minded if this had been explored at another time or in another way, but as it is? ALL THE NO IN THE WORLD. That said, if it turns out to be endgame, I will spew venom about it till the end of time.

Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Serena. I find her incredibly annoying most of the time, and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to. I think the rot set in in season 1, where instead of writing her as struggling with her daddy issues/her past behaviour/her relationship with her mother, they wrote her as this sweet young thing who was OMG SO IN LOVE WITH DAN, so that when they did focus on the more interesting aspects of her character it all fell kind of flat for me. It's almost as though they wrote her character development backwards.

Favourite friendship: Chuck + Monkey. Seriously. I love Chuck and Lily's relationship too, but that's far too maternal to be a simple friendship. Chuck and Eric had an excellent relationship, but Eric's bizarre decision to turn on Chuck at the start of s4 soured me on that. Nate has his moments of being a good friend to Chuck, but he's all too ready to believe the worst of him, and has (more than once) chosen hos before bros, which, just, no. So yeah, man's best friend is his dog.

Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: None of them, really. Cyrus seems like a pretty good step-dad, but I am not a hugger.

I'm still home sick, so if anyone wants me to answer these questions about another show, go ahead and ask.

gossip girl, mememe

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